关于举办香港理工大学讲座教授潘智生教授(Prof. Chi Sun Poon)学术报告的通知
发布时间: 2023-03-07


Total Recycling of Concrete Waste Using Accelerated Carbonation



报告人:潘智生教授(Prof. Chi Sun Poon)(香港理工大学土木及环境工程系








潘智生教授目前为香港理工大学土木与环境学系系主任,土木工程Michael Anson讲席教授,可持续土木工程材料讲座教授。潘教授长期从事土木工程材料、环境友好型材料及固废管理方面的研究与教学工作,同时为政府及专业组织服务,如担任香港工程师协会及香港混凝土协会理事。潘教授为推动各类固体废弃合法应用领域的学界先驱,是该领域的领军学者,发表了大量高水平论文。他的Goggle Scholar H-index >100。根据斯坦福大学最近公布的指标,他入选建筑与建设领域全球2%高被引学者。2017年,潘教授获得国家科技进步二等奖。


Ir Prof. Poon is currently Michael Anson Professor in Civil Engineering, Chair Professor of Sustainable Construction Materials and Head of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of HK PolyU. He specializes in the teaching and research of civil engineering materials, eco-friendly construction materials and waste management. He is a Fellow of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and the Hong Kong Concrete Institute and has been serving actively in various professional and government bodies and committees. He is a pioneer in the research on valorizing different types of wastes as construction materials. His extensive publications in the area make him one of the leading scholars in this field. He has a Goggle Scholar H-index of >100, and according to metrics compiled by Stanford University, Prof Poon is listed among the top 2% of the world's most highly cited scientists in the field of Building & Construction. He was appointed as a Changjiang Scholar Chair Professor in 2017 and he also was awarded the State Technological Innovation Award in 2017 (2nd Class).





The world is facing critical environmental challenges due to climate change which is believed to be related to CO2 emissions. Also, huge amounts of concrete waste are generated with accelerated urbanization and redevelopment. Carbonation of waste concrete can utilize concrete as a carbon sink due to the rapid chemical reaction between CO2 and the hydration products of cement. This presentation will focus on applying carbonation technologies to achieve the total recycling of concrete waste. Different approaches and technologies to carbonate the recycled coarse aggregates (RCAs), recycled concrete fines (RCFs) and recycled concrete powders (RCPs) depending on their particle sizes will be introduced. The research results at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University review that carbonation of waste concrete with different particle sizes can generate carbonated coarse aggregate, carbonated fine aggregate, and high-value products, including novel supplementary cementitious materials, nano-silica gel, micro-fibre, etc., achieving the total recycling of concrete waste.