发布时间: 2020-03-03







胡楠教授所指导的多样化结构实验室”(Versatile Structures Lab) 聚焦基于数字化设计和智能建造的新材料结构与新功能结构的开发,致力于拓展结构在几何可变化、属性可定制、功能可调节等方面的研究工作,推进结构设计在多尺度多学科多应用场景的学科边界。课题组主要方向包括:(1) 结构的智慧化设计与建造; (2) 高性能结构的定制化设计; (3) 应对复杂环境的适应结构。课题组详情请参加主页https://www.x-mol.com/groups/vsl





本科科研助理招募:课题组诚邀对结构设计,分析和力学有浓厚兴趣的本科生加入课题组完成助研项目和本科生创新项目等,请发简历至胡教授邮箱nanhu026@scut.edu.cn 取得联系。




胡楠,男,苗族,19852月生,北京人,中共党员。200706月毕业于湖南大学土木工程专业,获学士学位;201005月毕业于中南大学桥梁与隧道工程专业,获硕士学位;201010月至20116月间在清华大学土木工程系冯鹏教授课题组担任研究助理,从事复合材料结构相关研究工作;随后于20118月至20158月期间就读于美国密歇根州立大学(Michigan State University)土木与环境工程系,分别于20145月和20158月获工程力学硕士学位及土木工程博士学位。20158月至20176月间在美国达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College)工程学院完成博士后工作,从事固体力学和智能器件相关研究;20179月至201912月期间,以长聘轨(tenure-track)助理教授身份在美国俄亥俄州立大学(The Ohio State University)开展科研教学工作,主要从事多学科背景下新型结构体系与材料的开发。通过引进计划,于20204月入职华南理工大学土木工程系,担任教授至今目前负责该校智能建造专业规划建设,担任该校数字设计与智能建造未来实验室负责人,及及广东省现代土木工程技术重点实验室副主任。 

胡楠教授一直从事结构设计、分析与力学相关研究:早期科研致力于高速铁路桥梁设计分析理论、纤维复合材料在桥梁设计的应用、桥梁结构体系仿生等方向的研究;海外留学期间主要致力于以屈曲等结构大变形为基础的多尺度智能结构概念设计研究。目前已参与发表期刊论文30余篇(其中27篇收录于SCI3篇选为杂志封面,1篇选为封底,1篇选为创刊25年十佳综述文章)、会议17篇、书章节1篇、研究报告1本、软件开发2项。应邀在国际学术会议上作报告十余次。SCI他引600+,谷歌引用过千H-index 15;曾作为骨干,曾参与撰写美国自然科学基金委(NSF)、美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)、美国密歇根交通部(MDOT)、美国航空航天局(NASA)等十多项基金申请;在美助理教授阶段,曾参与及主持科研项目3项、指导研究生5人、指导本科研究助理10余人。先后主讲《结构力学》、《复合材料力学》等本科生和研究生课程并获得俄亥俄州大教学创新改革奖励计划。自加入华南理工大学以来,主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,指导博士后1人,在读博士研究生3名和硕士研究生11名,为本科生讲授全英课程《材料力学》、《理论力学》、《结构找型与概念设计》和《建构化材料概论》等,任21级土木卓越全英班班主任、20级土木4班班主任和研究生2020级第一党支部书记。2021年荣获优秀班主任称号。


胡楠教授从2009年至今担任ScienceAdvanced MaterialsBioinspiration & BiomimeticsComposite Part B: EngineeringJournal of Bionic EngineeringJournal of Sound and Vibration Journal of Structural EngineeringMaterials & Design30个国际权威SCI期刊特约审稿人;曾获2016年度土木权威期刊 Engineering Structures 2018年度Journal of Bridge Engineering优秀审稿人称号。先后加入美国科学促进会(AAAS)、美国土木工程师协会(ASCE)、美国机械工程师协会(ASME)、世界桥梁工程师协会(IABSS)、世界壳结构工程师协会(IASS)、世界仿生工程协会(IEBE)等多个学术组织的会员。2017年至今担任ASCE结构工程分部(SEI)结构仿生(Bio-inspired Structure)分委会委员,以及工程力学分部(EMI)结构稳定(Stability)分委会委员、建构化材料(Architected Materials)分委会委员。


Bio: Dr. Nan Hu is currently a full professor of civil engineering at South China University of Technology. A native of Beijing, China, Dr. Hu holds B.Eng. degree (’07) with honor from Hunan University and M.Eng. degree (’10) with high honor from Central South University. His early experience in China focused on understanding the behavior of large-scale infrastructure, particularly on high-speed rail bridges. He spent a year at Tsinghua University as a research associate before moving to the U.S. for graduate school. He earned his M.Sc. in engineering mechanics (’14) and Ph.D. in civil engineering (’15) from Michigan State University, where he developed approaches to control the post-buckling response of cylindrical shells with a focus on energy harvesting. He then worked as a postdoctoral researcher for two years (Aug 2015 to Jun 2017) at Dartmouth College, where he focused on harnessing mechanical instability for adaptive and multifunctional devices. Between Sep 2017 and Dec 2019, he held a tenure-track assistant professor position in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geodetic Engineering at the Ohio State University. His Versatile Structures Lab exploited the design and characterization of modular architected elements to achieve tailorable properties and configurations for developing next-generation adaptive materials, devices and systems in a wide range of length scales. He was promoted to a full professor position at SCUT since April 2020 and is continuing his effort to push the field of architected materials for a variety of applications, particularly toward large scale.



[1]Zhang Z, Luce B, Ma C, Xie B and Hu N 2020 Programmable Origami-inspired Cellular Architected Building Blocks for Adaptive Flow Regulating Mechanism. Extreme Mechanics Letters, 40,100974.

[2]Zhang Z, Pusateri S, Xie B and Hu N 2020 Tunable Energy Trapping through Contact-induced Snap-through Buckling in Strips with Programmable Imperfections, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 37,100732.

[3]Ma C, Zhang Z, Luce B, Pusateri S, Xie B, Rafiei M, and Hu N 2020 Accelerated design and characterization of non-uniform cellular materials via a machine-learning based framework, npj Computational Materials, 6, 1-8.

[4]Zhao Y, Maria Joseph A J J, Zhang Z, Ma C, Gul D, Schellenberg A and Hu N 2020 Deterministic snap-through buckling and energy trapping in axially-loaded notched strips for compliant building blocks Smart Materials and Structures 29 02LT3

[5]Yan B, Ma C, Zhao Y, Hu N and Guo L 2019 Geometrically Enabled Soft Electroactuators via Laser Cutting Advanced Engineering Materials 21 1900664

[6]Wu S, Ze Q, Zhang R, Hu N, Cheng Y, Yang F, and Zhao R 2019 Symmetry-breaking Actuation Mechanism for Soft Robotics and Active Metamaterials ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Oct 3;11(44):41649-58.

[7]Miao W, Yao Y, Zhang Z, Ma C, Li S, Tang J, Liu H, Liu Z, Wang D, Camburn M A, Fang J-C, Hao R, Fang X, Zheng S, Hu N and Wang X 2019 Micro-/nano-voids guided two-stage film cracking on bioinspired assemblies for high-performance electronics Nature communications 10 3862

[8]Ma C, Zhang D, Zhang Z, Zhang H, Schellenberg A, Gul D, Feng P and Hu N 2019 Exploiting spatial heterogeneity and response characterization in non-uniform architected materials inspired by slime mould growth Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 14 064001

[9]Yu X, Zhang L, Hu N, Grover H.M., Huang S.C., Wang D. and Chen, Z. 2017 Shape Transition in Helical Ribbons Induced by Material Anisotropy, Applied Physics Letters, 110, 091901 (Featured on cover)

[10]Tian Z, Zhang L, Fang Y, Xu B, Tang S, Hu N, An Z, Chen Z, and Mei, Y.F. 2017 Deterministic Self-Rolling of Ultrathin Nanocrystalline Diamond Nanomembranes for 3D Tubular/Helical Architecture, Advanced Materials, 29, 1604572.

[10]Hu N, Chen D, Wang D, Huang S, Trase I, Grover H M, Yu X, Zhang J X J and Chen Z 2018 Stretchable Kirigami Polyvinylidene Difluoride Thin Films for Energy Harvesting: Design, Analysis, and Performance Physical Review Applied 9 021002

[12]Hu N, Han X, Huang S, Grover H M, Yu X, Zhang L N, Trase I, Zhang J X J, Zhang L, Dong L X and Chen Z 2017 Edge effect of strained bilayer nanofilms for tunable multistability and actuation Nanoscale 9 2958-62

[13]Hu N and Burgueño R 2016 Harnessing Seeded Geometric Imperfection to Design Cylindrical Shells With Tunable Elastic Postbuckling Behavior Journal of Applied Mechanics 84

[14]Hu N, Burgueño R, Haider S W and Sun Y 2016 Framework for Estimating Bridge-Deck Chloride-Induced Degradation from Local Modeling to Global Asset Assessment Journal of Bridge Engineering 21 06016005

[15]Hu N and Burgueño R 2015 Tailoring the elastic postbuckling response of cylindrical shells: A route for exploiting instabilities in materials and mechanical systems Extreme Mechanics Letters 4 103-10

[16]Hu N and Burgueño R 2015 Buckling-induced smart applications: recent advances and trends Smart Materials and Structures 24 063001

[17]Hu N and Burgueño R 2015 Elastic postbuckling response of axially-loaded cylindrical shells with seeded geometric imperfection design Thin-Walled Structures 96 256-68

[18]Hu N, Feng P and Dai G 2014 Structural art: Past, present and future Engineering Structures 79 407-16

[19]Hu N, Dai G-L, Yan B and Liu K 2014 Recent development of design and construction of medium and long span high-speed railway bridges in China Engineering Structures 74 233-41

[20]Hu N, Feng P and Dai G 2013 The Gift from Nature: Bio-Inspired Strategy for Developing Innovative Bridges Journal of Bionic Engineering 10 405-14




ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3536-8414 

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nan_Hu11 

Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=zCPL0F0AAAAJ&hl=en