关于举办University of Leeds刘蓉晖教授学术讲座的通知
发布时间: 2018-11-21

  目:Pareto-improving tradable bottleneck permit (TBP) at a merging bottleneck



报告人:刘蓉晖教授University of Leeds, UK





Professor Ronghui Liu, Professor of Networks and Transport Operations, at the Institute for Transport Studies (ITS), University of Leeds, UK. She received her BSc from Peking University and PhD from Cambridge University.  Before joining ITS Leeds, she was a Research Fellow at University College London, and while at ITS, she was seconded to head the Transport Modelling Division at TRL, UK in 2005.  She served as an Associate Editor for journal IEEE Transaction on Intelligent Transportation Systems, and Member of Editorial Board of IET Journal of Intelligent Transport.


As a first-best pricing scheme to minimize social cost, TBP is however not always Pareto-improving in that it may harm some drivers. The objective of this study is to investigate and design Pareto-improving TBP schemes for a two-to-one merge bottleneck. This talk presents the concepts of TBP, Pareto-improvement, and the specific design solutions.