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广州,她濒临南海,毗邻香港和澳门,是中国的南大门、国家中心城市、国际大都市,世 界著名港口城市,中国南方的金融、贸易、经济、航运、物流、政治、军事、文化、科教中心、国家交通枢纽,社会经济文化辐射力直达东南亚。

广州是一座历史文化名城,建城至今已有2200 多年的历史。今天的广州经济高速发展,城市面貌日新月异,地铁、城际路网、新国际机场和众多国际性会议展览中心纷纷落成,表明这座千年古城正日益显现出现代化国际大都市的无穷魅力。

作为中国经济最活跃的前沿城市以及对外窗口之一,广州的经济综合实力位居全国前三位,经济影响力远涉东南亚乃至全球。世界500 强公司中已有 100 多家在广州设立了外商投资企业。创办手 1957 年的中国进出口商品交易会每年在广州举办,是中国规模最大的国际贸易盛会。

广州是一座充满活力、文化内涵丰富且多元化的城市,常住人口超过1200 万人,是中国最主要的对外开放城市之一,作为对外贸易的窗口,广州每天实有外国人数量在 8万-12 万,来自中国和世界各地的人们分享着不同文化、风俗和宗教;约有23000 多外国留学生就读于广东各个高校。

广州是一座适宜生活的城市。广州气候宜人,全年平均气温20-22 摄氏度,属亚热带季风气候,夏无酷暑,冬无严寒;交通便利,公交、地铁四通八达;美食聚集,粤菜是我国著名四大菜系之一,它以特有的菜式和韵味,独树一帜,在国内外享有盛誉;闻名中外的广式点心发源于广州,各款广式点心都讲究色泽和谐,造型各异,相映成趣,令人百食不厌;休闲娱乐场所遍布,在广州,你既可以领略传统岭南文化的独特韵味,又可以自如穿梭在剧院、博物馆、画廊、餐厅和咖啡馆之间。




Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong Province, awarded International Garden City by the United Nations, is the bustling regional hub of Southern China. The Pearl River provides easy access to the nearby South China Sea, and it is conveniently located near both Hong Kong and Macao. Superior geographical location, vital transportation and communication facilities make Guangzhou China's Southern Gateway to the world.

Guangzhou cherishes its venerable 2, 200-year history and highly developed culture. Vigorous economic development has enabled her to create unique architecture, a convenient metro system, excellent intercity transportation, a state-of-the-art international airport, and advanced exhibition centers. These contribute to the redefinition of Guangzhou as a fascinating, international metropolis.

Today, Guangzhou ranks among the top three most economically dynamic and flourishing cities in China, exerting influence on China, Southeast Asia, and the world. More than 100 of the top Fortune global 500 corporations have bases in Guangzhou. The city has successfully hosted the China Import and Export Fair over 100 times since 1957, and it has become a world trade showcase for all of China. At present, the daily international population in Guangzhou ranges from 80,000 to 120,000 and more than 23, 000 international students studying in Guangdong Province.

Guangzhou is home to over twelve million people from across China and around the world, bringing rich cultural, ethnic, and religious diversity. It is the center and birthplace of Lingnan culture, which extends through Guangdong province and across southeastern China, Hong Kong, Macao and into major Chinese communities all over the world. This vibrant cosmopolitan city boasts cinemas, theaters, museums, art galleries, restaurants, cafes, and abundant nightlife, Cantonese cuisine, especially dim sum, is one of the most famous and delicious Chinese Gourmet.

Pursuing your education in Guangzhou offers more than academic achievement; it offers a rich lifestyle filled with multi-cultural experiences!

The city enjoys a sub-tropical climate with plentiful rainfall year-round. Average annual temperature is between 20 and 22 degrees Celsius. Abundant flowers thrive in this favorable climate giving it the nickname City of Flowers. Guangzhou also boasts one of the largest botanical gardens in the world.

中国 广州市 广州大学城 华南理工大学 国际教育学院 B1-207,邮编:510006
电话(Tel): +86(0)20 39381048; 020-39381029; 020-87110592
传真(Fax): +86(0)20 39381058 电子邮箱:sieinfo@scut.edu.cn