Zuo Wenming

Posted by:黄小婷Release Date:2016-10-12Views:360


Name: Zuo Wenming

Title:  Associate Professor

Office:  Room 515 B10 Middle Building

Department: E-Commerce

Email: wmzuo@scut.edu.cn


Research Fields: Electronic Commerce and Business Intelligence, Service Design and Management of Electronic Commerce, Social Commerce, Computer Application Technology, Image Processing& Pattern Recognition


Courses Offered: High Level Language Programming (Java), Database: Principles and Application, E-Government System, Introduction to E-Commerce, IT System Project Management, Electronic Business Strategy  


Educational Background:

Ph.D. South China University of Technology

MA, South China University of Technology

BA., XiangTan University

Major Publications:

Design and implementation of a demand and supply system about sponsorship between enterprise and university based onS2SH

Forecasting model for logistics demand scale in Guandong province based on grey system theory.


Research on quality management of B2CE-commerce service based on human factors engineering.