




  • 硕士招生专业:学术型硕士:083000|环境科学与工程;专业学位硕士:085700|资源与环境

  • 博士招生专业:学术型博士:083000|环境科学与工程;专业学位博士:085700|资源与环境


  • 2007.4-2010.3 日本大阪市立大学工学研究科都市工程,工学博士

  • 2001.9-2004.6 北京化工大学生命科学与技术学院生物化工硕士

  • 1997.9-2001.6 湖南湘潭大学化学工程学院化学工程与工艺学士


  • 2013.7-现在,华南理工大学环境与能源学院,副教授

  • 2012.11-2013.9 新加坡南洋理工大学高级环境生物技术中心,研究员

  • 2010.11-2012.9 美国弗吉尼亚理工大学生物系统学院,博士后

  • 2004.7-2007.3 上海工程技术大学化学化工学院,教师


  • Environmental Science and Technology, Water research, Science of the Total Environment, Environmental Science and Technology Letters, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Chemical Engineering Journal, Chemosphere, Environmental Pollution, Journal of Environmental Management, Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Bioresource Technology等期刊通讯评审。




2. 饮用水安全


3. 新型污水处理工艺开发



1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:城市污水中天然激素结合体的快速分析方法及其去除规律研究,2016.1-2019.12,75.6万,主持;

2. 广东省公益研究与能力建设项目:植物雌激素结合体的快速分析及其在城市污水中的应用研究, 2015.9-2017.8,15万,主持;


4.国家自然科学青年基金项目:城市污水处理过程中激素类物质的检测方法与去除机理研究, 2012.1-2014.12,26万,主持;


6. 广东粤港供水有限公司委托项目:水体异味研究,2014.8-2016.10,45.5万,主持;

7. 广东粤港供水有限公司委托项目:水体易致嗅化学物质数据库网络化平台建设与推广,2017.7-2019.6,43万,主持


  1. Liu ZH*, Dang Z, Yin H, Liu Y. Making waves: Improving removal performance of conventional wastewater treatment plants on endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs): their conjugates matter. Water Research, 2021,188:116469.

  2. Tang Z, Liu ZH*, Wang H, Dang Z, Yin H, Zhou Y, Liu Y, Trace determination of eleven natural estrogens and insights from their occurrence in a municipal wastewater treatment plant and river water, Water Research, 2020,182:115976.

  3. Wang H, Liu ZH*, Tang Z, Zhang J, Yin H, Dang Z, Wu PX, Liu Y, Bisphenol analogues in Chinese bottled water: Quantification and potential risk analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 713:136583.

  4. Luo Q, Liu ZH*, Yin H, Dang Z, Wu PX, Zhu NW, Lin Z, Liu Y, Global review of phthalates in edible oil: An emerging and nonneglibible exposure source to human. Science of the Total Environment, 2020,704, 135369.

  5. Zhang J, Liu ZH*, Zhong SS, Wang H, Caidan BM, Yin H, Dang Z, Strategy for effective inhibition of arylsulfatase/β-glucuronidase to prevent deconjugation of sulfate and glucuronide conjugates in wastewater during sample collection and storage. Science of the Total Environment, 2020,703, 135536.

  6. Wang H, Liu ZH*, Zhang J, Huang RP, Yin H, Dang Z, Wu PX, Insights into removal mechanisms of bisphenol A and its analogues in municipal wastewater treatment plants. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 692, 107-116.

  7. Yuan SF, Liu ZH*, Yin H, Dang Z, Wu PX, Zhu NW, Lin Z, Trace determination of sulfonamide antibiotics and their acetylated metabolites via SPE-LC-MS/MS in wastewater and insights from their occurrence in a municipal wastewater treatment plant. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 653:815-821.

  8. Luo Q, Liu ZH*, Yin H, Dang Z, Wu PX, Zhu NW, Lin Z, Liu Y, Migration and potential risk of trace phthalates in bottled water: A global situation, Water Research, 2018,147:362-372.

  9. Huang RP, Liu ZH*, Yin H, Dang Z, Wu PX, Zhu NW, Lin Z, Bisphenol A concentrations in human urine, human intakes across six continents, and annual trends of average intakes in adult and child populations worldwide: A through literature review. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 626:971-981.


  1. 刘则华,谭奇峰,党志,尹华。水体异味化学物质:类别、来源、分析方法及控制.科学出版社,2019.3。


  • 荣誉:教育部优秀国家自费留学生奖学金(2009年度)。

  • 授课课程:现代环境分析技术,环境修复技术。

  • 指导学生情况:现指导博士生1名,硕士生7名,研究助理1名。