





  • 硕士招生专业:学术型硕士:083000|环境科学与工程;专业学位硕士:085700|资源与环境

  • 博士招生专业:学术型博士:083000|环境科学与工程;专业学位博士:085700|资源与环境


  • 1996,06-1999,05:华南理工大学,化工学院、造纸与环境学院,讲师;

  • 1999,06-2010,08:华南理工大学,造纸与环境学院、环境科学与工程学院,副教授;

  • 2010,09-今:华南理工大学,环境与能源学院,教授;

  • 2010,09-今:华南理工大学,环境与能源学院,教授;2011年被批准为博士生导师。

  • 2011年被批准为博士生导师。


  • 2007,12-2008,12:加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)化学与生物工程系,访学;

  • 1993,09-1996,06:华南理工大学,获工学博士学位;

  • 1990,09-1993,06:西北大学,获工学硕士学位。













  1. 国家重点研发计划(子课题):农村饮用水与生活污水处理关键技术;

  2. 国家自然科学基金项目:水中全氟化合物在活性炭纤维上的吸附机制和界面化学行为;

  3. 总装项目:车载移动式洗消废水膜处理系统研发;

  4. 广东省科技计划项目:以流态化为核心的电子废弃物综合处理与回收利用技术开发;

  5. 广东省社会发展科技攻关计划项目:聚四氟乙烯废料流态化热解转化再利用技术与设备;

  6. 广东省科技攻关计划项目:新型活性碳纤维净化有机废气技术及设备研究;

  7. 广东省级科技计划项目:多媒体扬声器生产中电镀废水的处理与回用关键技术;

  8. 广州市科技计划项目:藻菌共生流化床光生物反应器有机废水处理系统开发与应用;

  9. 广州市科技计划项目:三相流态化藻类光生物反应器处理高浓度有机废水技术开发;

  10. 广东省自然科学基金项目:三相流态化电极的宏观动力学模型及应用研究;

  11. 横向项目:(1)矿业固废高值化利用技术,(2)硅橡胶裂解渣回收利用技术研发,(3)高浓度有机废水藻菌处理系统研发,(4)CFC-11回收处理工艺试验研究等。


   近年来,主持国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金、总装项目等20多项国家、省(市)部级项目,获军队科学技术进步3等奖、广东省环保厅2等奖;发表学术论文120多篇(其中SCI论文20多篇),获得专利10多件,出版专著2部、教材2部,科普读物1部。培养硕/博研究生50 多名。先后为本科生和研究生开设了《固体废物处理处置工程》(中、英班)、《水力学(环境流体力学)》、《环境系统结构与建模》、《膜法水处理技术》、《流态化技术及其应用》等课程。


(1) Xiaoping Zhang*; Shuixia Chen; Hsiaotao T. Bi, Application of wave propagation theory to adsorption breakthrough studies of toluene on activated carbon fiber beds, CARBON, 2010.7, 48(8): 2317~2326

(2) Xiaoping Zhang*; Hsiaotao T. Bi, Study on Void Behavior in a Turbulent Fluidized Bed with Catalyst Powders, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 2010.8.4, 49(15): 6862~6869

(3) Xiaoping Zhang*; Xin Zhao; Jiaqi Hu; Chaohai Wei; Hsiaotao T. Bi, Adsorption dynamics of trichlorofluoromethane in activated carbon fiber beds, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011.02.28, 186(2): 1816~1822

(4) Yu Kuang, Xiaoping Zhang* and Shaoqi Zhou, Adsorption of Methylene Blue in Water onto Activated Carbon by Surfactant Modification. Water, 2020, 12(2), 587: 1-19

(5) Xuechao Yan, Xiaoping Zhang* & Qian Li, Preparation and characterization of CS/β-CD/Nano-ZnO composite porous membrane optimized by Box-Behnken for the adsorption of Congo red. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2018) 25:22244–22258

(6) Hanjiang Xu, Xiaoping Zhang* & Yudong Zhang, Modification of biochar by Fe2O3 for the removal of pyridine and quinoline. Environmental Technology, 2018, 39(11): 1470-1480

(7) Wei Chen; Xiaoping Zhang*; Yudong Zhang; Mairambek Mamadiev, Facile and efficient synthesis of polyacrylonitrile-based functional fibers and its sorption properties of perfluorooctane sulfonate and perfluorooctanoate, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2017.9, 241: 1013~1022

(8) Wei Chen; Xiaoping Zhang*; Mairambek Mamadiev; Chunhu Zhao; Zihao Wang; Hanjiang Xu, Synthesis of interstratified graphene/montmorillonite composite material through organics-pillared, delamination and co-stacking and its application in hexavalent chromium removal from aqueous solution, Advanced Powder Technology, 2017.2, 28(2): 521~533

(9) Wei Chen; Xiaoping Zhang*; Mairambek Mamadiev; Zihao Wang, Sorption of perfluorooctane sulfonate and perfluorooctanoate on polyacrylonitrile fiberderived activated carbon fibers: in comparison with activated carbon, RSC Advances, 2017.01.04, 7: 927~938

(10) Chunhu Zhao; Xiaoping Zhang*; Jiangling Ding; Yaru Zhu, Study on recovery of valuable metals from waste mobile phone PCB particles using liquid-solid fluidization technique, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017.3.1,311: 217~226

(11) Chunhu Zhao; Xiaoping Zhang*; Lin Shi, Catalytic pyrolysis characteristics of scrap printed circuit boards by TG-FTIR, Waste Management, 2017.3, 61(1): 354~361

(12) Ying Zhou; Nengwu Zhu*; Naixin Kang; Yanlan Cao; Chaohong Shi; Pingxiao Wu; Zhi Dang; Xiaoping Zhang*; Benqian Qin, Layer-by-layer assembly surface modified microbial biomass for enhancing biorecovery of secondary gold, Waste Management, 2017.2, 60: 552~560

(13) Jiazhi Zhou, Nengwu Zhu*, Huangrui Liu, Pingxiao Wu, Xiaoping Zhang, Zuqi Zhong. Recovery of gallium from waste light emitting diodes by oxalic acidic leaching. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 146 (2019) 366–372

(14) Ying Zhou, Nengwu Zhu*, Wenying Guo, Yun Wang, Xixian Huang, Pingxiao Wu, Zhi Dang, Xiaoping Zhang, Jinchan Xian. Simultaneous electricity production and antibiotics removal by microbial fuel cells. Journal of Environmental Management, 217 (2018) 565-572

(15) Chaohong Shi; Nengwu Zhu*; Naixin Kang; Pingxiao Wu; Xiaoping Zhang; Yanhong Zhang, Sorption–reduction coupled gold recovery process boosted by Pycnoporus sanguineus biomass: Uptake pattern and performance enhancement via biomass surface modification, Biotechnology progress, 2017.9, 33(5): 1314~1322

(16) Ting Li; Zhiquan Yang; Xiaoping Zhang; Nengwu Zhu; Xiaojun Niu, Perchlorate removal from aqueous solution with a novel cationic metal–organic frameworks based on amino sulfonic acid ligand linking with Cu-4,40-bipyridyl chains, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015.07.08, 281(7): 1008~1016

(17) Zhiquan Yang, Lixiang Zhang, Pan Xu, Xiaoping Zhang, Xiaojun Niu & Shaoqi Zhou. The adsorption of nitrate from aqueous solution onto calcined Mg/Fe hydrotalcite. Desalination and Water Treatment, 54, 2015, 54(12): 3400-3411



(1)张小平等. 一种从废旧手机电子元器件中回收金(Au)的方法, 授权日:2018-06-29;

(2)张小平等, 一种从废旧手机电子元器件中回收钯(Pd)的方法,授权日:2017.09.26;








(3)肖贤声, 肖贤凯, 张小平等“三相流态化藻类光生物反应器”,授权日:2008年2月27日;






(3)张小平编著. 《胶体界面与吸附》. 华南理工大学出版社, 2008年1月;

(4)张小平副主编.《清洁生产案例分析》. 中国环境科学出版社,2005年4月。