Adam Grydehøj 教授

    葛陆海Adam E. Grydehøj,男,美国迈阿密人,在丹麦生活20年。教授、博士生导师,英国阿伯丁大学博士,丹麦岛屿动力研究中心Island Dynamics主任岛屿研究多学科领域的世界顶尖专家之一。Political GeographyUrban StudiesGeoforumIsland Studies JournalAreaSustainable Cities and Society等权威学术期刊发表SSCISCI论文63RoutledgePalgrave MacmillanActor等国际知名出版社出版China and the Pursuit of Harmony in World Politics等专著9部。社会兼职主要包括Island Studies JournalSSCI期刊)主编,国际岛屿研究核心期刊ShimaJournal of Marine and Island Cultures编委,国际小岛屿研究会执行委员会委员等。研究方向:岛屿文化研究、城市文化研究等。



1. 美国长青州立大学学士民俗学学士

2. 英国阿伯丁大学民族学博士



1. 《民俗、知识、地方》主编(2023-至今)

2. 《岛屿研究杂志》(SSCI期刊)主编(2017-至今)

3. 法罗群岛大学历史和社会科学学院附属副教授 (2021-2025年)

4. 爱德华王子岛大学岛屿研究所兼职和研究生教员(2020-2023年)

5. 浙江大学岛屿和沿海地区研究所海岛海岸带研究中心主任(2020-至今)

6. 东地中海大学建筑学院外聘博士生导师(2020-至今)

7. 华南理工大学印度洋岛国研究中心讲座教授(2020-2022年)

8. 广州大学旅游学院客座教授兼外聘导师(旅游管理硕士)(2019-2022年)

9. 国际小岛屿研究协会执行董事会成员(2018-至今)

10. 韩国环球岛屿基金会顾问(2018-至今)

11. 国际地理学联合岛屿委员会指导委员会成员(2017-至今)

12. 从零开始:偏远的巴布亚新几内亚kukuku地方/全球生态企业项目咨询委员会成员(2017-至今)

13. 《海洋和岛屿文化杂志》编辑委员会成员(2014-至今)

14. 《岛屿研究杂志》国际编辑委员会成员(2012-2016年)

15. 爱德华王子岛大学岛屿研究所副研究员(2012-2020年)

16. 格陵兰大学政治科学系客座讲师(2014-2018年)

17. 隆德大学人文地理系研究员(2015年)

18. Shima编辑委员会成员(2008-2022年)




学术论文、章节、专著(* = 通讯作者)

1. Grydehøj, A., Kim, S.P., & Su*, P. (Forthcoming). Indigenous island autonomy and special economic zone status: Developmental tensions of Jeju Free International City, South Korea. Shima.

2.Grydehøj, A., Su, P., Huang*, S., & Nadarajah, Y. (2023). Tensions and challenges in the decolonisation of academic publishing: A cross-tabulation analysis of articles in Island Studies Journal. Learned Publishing, 36, 4-13. https://doi.org/10.1002/leap.1528(SSCI)

3. Zhu, X., & Grydehøj*, A. (2023). Troubling the politics of island relation: The Comoros in between, on the edge, and as microcosm’. Political Geography, 101, 102838, 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polgeo.2023.102838 (SSCI)

4. Grydehøj, A., & Su*, P. (2022). China and the pursuit of harmony in world politics: Understanding Chinese international relations theory. Routledge.

5. Su, P., & Grydehøj*, A. (2022). ‘Regionmaking and conceptual development in South China: Perceiving islands, the Pearl River Delta, and the Greater Bay Area’. Political Geography, 98, 102668, 1-10. 10.24043/isj.380 (SSCI)

6. Nadarajah, Y., Su*, P., Burgos Martinez, E., & Grydehøj, A. (2022). ‘Critical reflexivity and decolonial methodology in island studies: Interrogating the scholar within’. Island Studies Journal, 17(1), 3-25. 10.24043/isj.380 (SSCI)

7. Bruns-Berentelg, J., Noring, L., & Grydehøj*, A. (2022). Developing urban growth and urban quality: Entrepreneurial governance and urban redevelopment projects in Copenhagen and Hamburg. Urban Studies, 59(1), 161-177.10.1177/0042098020951438 (SSCI)

8. Su, P., & Grydehøj*, A. (2022). Caribbean legacies and interspecies community: Nalo Hopkinson’s decolonial strategies in Midnight Robber. Neohelicon.10.1007/s11059-022-00646-w (AHCI)

9. Hong, S. K., & Grydehøj*, A. (2022). Sustainable island communities and fishing villages in South Korea: Challenges, opportunities, and limitations. Sustainability, 14(24), 16657. https://doi.org/10.3390/su142416657 (SSCI/SCIE)

10. 葛陆海*. 次国家级岛屿管辖区法律与国际关系中的不确定行为者. 《中华海洋法学评论》2022年第2(总第42), 157-161.

11. Grydehøj, A., Simonsen, A., Bevacqua, M., Chibana, M., Nadarajah, Y., Su*, P., Wright, R., & Davis, S. (2021). Practicing decolonial political geography: Island perspectives on neocolonialism and the China threat discourse. Political Geography.10.1016/j.polgeo.2020.102330 (SSCI)

12. Zhang, H., & Grydehøj*, A. (2021). Locating the interstitial island: Integration of Zhoushan Archipelago into the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration. Urban Studies, 58(10), 2157–2173.10.1177/0042098020937987 (SSCI)

13. Grydehøj*, A. (2021). An expanding world of islands: The emergence of Chinese island studies. Okinawan Journal of Island Studies2, 1-9.

14. Zhang, Y., Wei*, X., & Grydehøj, A. (2021).Electoral politics, party performance, and governance in Greenland: Parties, personalities, and cleavages in an autonomous subnational island jurisdiction. Island Studies Journal, 16(1). 10.24043/isj.146 (SSCI)

15. Grydehøj, A. (2021) ‘Land reclamation in island cities and the enclosure of public space’. In F. Masoud & B. Ryan (Eds.), Terra-sorta-firma: Atlas of urbanism on reclaimed land. Actar.

16. Grydehøj*, A., & Kelman, I. (2020). Reflections on conspicuous sustainability: Creating Small Island Dependent States (SIDS) through Ostentatious Development Assistance (ODA)?. Geoforum. 116, 90-97. 10.1016/j.geoforum.2020.08.004 (SSCI)

17. Grydehøj, A., Davis, S., Guo, R., & Zhang*, H. (2020). Silk Road archipelagos: Islands in the Belt and Road Initiative. Island Studies Journal, 15(2), 3-12.10.24043/isj.137 (SSCI)

18. Grydehøj, A., Kelman, I., & Su*, P. (2020). Island geographies of separation and cohesion: The Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic and the geopolitics of Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland). Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 111(3), 288-301.10.1111/tesg.12423 (SSCI)

19. Li, C., Chen*, J., & Grydehøj, A. (2020). Island climate change adaptation and global public goods within the Belt and Road Initiative. Island Studies Journal, 15(2), 173-192. 10.24043/isj.134 (SSCI)

20. Xie, B., Zhu, X., & Grydehøj*, A. (2020). Perceiving the Silk Road Archipelago: Archipelagic relations within the ancient and 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road. Island Studies Journal, 15(2), 55-72.10.24043/isj.118 (SSCI)

21. Grydehøj*, A., Nadarajah, Y., & Markussen, U. (2020). Islands of indigeneity: Cultural difference, Indigenous territory, and island spatiality. Area, 52(1), 14-22.10.1111/area.12520 (SSCI)

22. Grydehøj*, A. (2020). Critical approaches to island geography. Area, 52(1), 2-5.10.1111/area.12546 (SSCI)

23. Grydehøj*, A., & Casagrande, M. (2020). Islands of connectivity: Archipelago relationality and transport infrastructure in Venice Lagoon. Area, 52(1), 56-64.10.1111/area.12529 (SSCI)

24. Noring, L., Struthers, D., & Grydehøj*, A. (2020). Governing and financing affordable housing at the intersection of the market and the state: Denmark’s private non-profit housing system. Urban Research & Practice, 15(2), 258-274.10.1080/17535069.2020.1798495 (SSCI)

25. Wu, Y., Zhang, T., Zhang, H., Pan, T., Ni, X., Grydehøj*, A., & Zhang, J. (2020). Factors influencing the ecological security of island cities: A neighborhood-scale study of Zhoushan Island, China. Sustainable Cities and Society, 55, 102029. 10.1016/j.scs.2020.102029 (SCIE)

26. Grydehøj*, A. (2020). Unravelling the link between economic independence and political independence in island territories: The case of Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland). Island Studies Journal, 15(1), 89-112. 10.24043/isj.101 (SSCI)

27. Grydehøj, A., & Zhang*, H. (2020). Complementarity of island cross-sea transport links: Bridges, ferries, and mobility in Zhoushan Archipelago, China. Journal of Marine and Island Cultures, 9(2), 49-63. 10.21463/jmic.2020.09.2.04

28. Grydehøj*, A. (2020). Svalbard: International relations in an exceptionally international territory. In K. Coates & C. Holroyd (Eds.), Palgrave Handbook on Arctic Policy (pp. 267-282). Palgrave Macmillan.

29. Grydehøj*, A. (2020). Government, policies, and priorities in Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland): Roads to independence. In K. Coates & C. Holroyd (Eds.), Palgrave Handbook on Arctic Policy (pp. 217-232). Palgrave Macmillan.

30. Grydehøj*, A. (2019). Marine island economies: drivers, roles, and challenges. The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road: Islands Economic Cooperation Forum – Annual report on global islands (pp. 103-122). Charlottetown: Island Studies Press.

31. Grydehøj*, A. (2018). Decolonising the economy in micropolities: Rents, government spending and infrastructure development in Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland). Small States & Territories, 1(1), 69-94.

32. Grydehøj*, A. (2018). Shifting maritime cultures and economics in Kalaalllit Nunaat (Greenland): The development of sea port cities in an Arctic island territory. Cultural Interaction Studies of Sea Port Cities, 19, 59-75.

33. Grydehøj*, A. (2018). Hearing voices: Colonialism, outsider perspectives, island and Indigenous issues, and publishing ethics. Island Studies Journal, 13(1), 3-12.10.24043/isj.54 (SSCI)

34. Grydehøj*, A. (2018). Islands as legible geographies: Perceiving the islandness of Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland). Journal of Marine and Island Cultures, 7(1), 1-11. 10.21463/jmic.2018.07.1.01

35. Grydehøj*, A., & Swaminathan, R. (2018). Cities and urbanisation. In G. Baldacchino (Ed.), The Routledge International Handbook of Island Studies (pp. 312-323). Routledge.

36. Grydehøj*, A., & Kelman, I. (2017). The eco-island trap: Climate change mitigation and conspicuous sustainability. Area, 49(1), 106-113.10.1111/area.12300 (SSCI)

37. Grydehøj*, A., & Ou, Z. (2017). Deterritorialization of indigeneity: Indigenous territory, development policy, and the Dan fishing community of Hainan (China). Political Geography, 61, 77-87.10.1016/j.polgeo.2017.07.002 (SSCI)

38. Lee, S.H., Huang, W.H., & Grydehøj*, A. (2017). Relational geography of a border island: Local development and compensatory destruction on Leiyu, Taiwan. Island Studies Journal, 12(2), 97-112. 10.24043/isj.33 (SSCI)

39. Grydehøj*, A. (2017). A future of island studies. Island Studies Journal, 12(1), 1-17. 10.24043/isj.1 (SSCI)

40. Luo, B., & Grydehøj*, A. (2017). Sacred islands and island symbolism in ancient and imperial China: An exercise in decolonial island studies. Island Studies Journal, 12(2), 25-44. 10.24043/isj.19 (SSCI)

41. Sheng, N., Tang, U.W., & Grydehøj*, A. (2017). Urban morphology and urban fragmentation in Macau, China: Island city development in the Pearl River Delta megacity region. Island Studies Journal, 12(2), 199-212. 10.24043/isj.25 (SSCI)

42. Grydehøj*, A., Heim, O., & Zhang, H. (2017) Islands of China and the Sinophone world. Island Studies Journal, 12(2), 3-6.10.24043/isj.41 (SSCI)

43. Grydehøj*, A. (2017). Svalbard: Geopolitics at the end of the world. In G. Baldacchino (Ed.), Solution Protocols to Festering Island Disputes: Indivisible Sovereignty for the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands (pp. 117-122). Routledge.

44. Grydehøj*, A. (2017). The development of Greenlandic self-determination: An Arctic autonomy. In M. Sanjuame (Ed.), The Emergence of a Democratic Right to Self-Determination in the European Union (pp. 156-161). Centre Maurits Coppieters.

45. Grydehøj*, A. (2016). Navigating the binaries of island independence and dependence in Greenland: Decolonisation, political culture, and strategic services. Political Geography, 55, 102-112. 10.1016/j.polgeo.2016.09.001 (SSCI)

46. Grydehøj*, A. (2016). Toward subnational democracies of scale: Tensions between democratic legitimacy, legality, and effective governance. Geopolitics, 21(1), 22-42. 10.1080/14650045.2015.1114918 (SSCI)

47. Nadarajah, Y., & Grydehøj*, A. (2016). Island studies as a decolonial project. Island Studies Journal, 11(2), 437-446. 10.24043/isj.360 (SSCI)

48. Grydehøj*, A., & Kelman, I. (2016). Island smart eco-cities: innovation, secessionary enclaves, and the selling of sustainability. Urban Island Studies, 2, 1-24. 10.20958/uis.2016.1

49. Grydehøj*, A., & Nurdin, N. (2016). Politics of technology in the informal governance of destructive fishing in Spermonde, Indonesia. GeoJournal, 81(2), 281-292. 10.1007/s10708-014-9619-x

50. Grydehøj*, A. (2015). Island city formation and urban island studies. Area, 47(4). 429-435.10.1111/area.12207 (SSCI)

51. Grydehøj*, A., Barceló Pinya, X., Cooke, G., Doratlı, N., Elewa, A., Kelman, I., Pugh, J., Schick, L., & Swaminathan, R. (2015). Returning from the horizon: Introducing Urban Island Studies. Urban Island Studies, 1, 1-19. 10.20958/uis.2015.1

52. Grydehøj*, A. (2015). Making ground, losing space: Land reclamation and urban public space in island cities. Urban Island Studies, 1, 96-117. 10.20958/uis.2015.6

53. Grydehøj*, A. (2014). Informal diplomacy in Norway’s Svalbard policy: The intersection of local community development and Arctic international relations. Global Change, Peace & Security, 26(1), 41-54. 10.1080/14781158.2014.856290

54. Grydehøj*, A. (2014). Constructing a centre on the periphery: Urbanization and urban design in Nuuk, Greenland. Island Studies Journal, 9(2), 205-222. 10.24043/isj.302 (SSCI)

55. Grydehøj*, A. (2014). Understanding island cities. Island Studies Journal, 9(2), 183-190. 10.24043/isj.300 (SSCI)

56. Pigou-Dennis, E., & Grydehøj*, A. (2014). Accidental and ideal island cities: Islanding processes and urban design in Belize City and the urban archipelagos of Europe. Island Studies Journal, 9(2), 259-276. 10.24043/isj.305 (SSCI)

57. Nurdin, N., & Grydehøj*, A. (2014). Informal governance through patron-client relationships and destructive fishing in Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia. Journal of Marine and Island Cultures, 3(2), 54-59. 10.1016/j.imic.2014.11.003

58. Grydehøj*, A., & Hayward, P. (2014). Social and economic effects of spatial distribution in island communities: Comparing the Isles of Scilly and the Isle of Wight, UK. Journal of Marine and Island Cultures, 3(1), 9-19. 10.1016/j.imic.2014.03.002

59. Grydehøj*, A. (2014). Captain Calamity’s Sovereign State of Forvik, Shetland: Micronations and the failure of cultural nationalism. Shima, 8(1), 34-48.

60. Grydehøj*, A. (2014). Goals, capabilities, and instruments of paradiplomacy by subnational jurisdictions. In A. Grydehøj et al. (Eds.), Local Actions in a Global Context: Paradiplomacy by Subnational Jurisdictions (pp. 10-20). Centre Maurits Coppieters.

61. Grydehøj*, A. (2013). Challenges to local government innovation: Legal and institutional impediments to the exercise of innovative economic development policy by subnational jurisdictions. European Journal of Spatial Development, 50, 1-21

62. Grydehøj*, A. (2013). Ethnicity and the origins of local identity in Shetland, UK – Part I: Picts, Vikings, fairies, Finns, and Aryans. Journal of Marine and Island Cultures, 2(1), 39-48. 10.1016/j.imic.2013.06.001

63. Grydehøj*, A. (2013). Ethnicity and the origins of local identity in Shetland, UK – Part II: Picts, Vikings, fairies, Finns, and Aryans. Journal of Marine and Island Cultures, 2(2), 107-114. 10.1016/j.imic.2013.10.003

64. Grydehøj*, A., Grydehøj, A., & Ackrén, M. (2012). The globalisation of the Arctic: Negotiating sovereignty and building communities in Svalbard, Norway. Island Studies Journal, 7(1), 99-118. 10.24043/isj.264 (SSCI)

65 Grydehøj*, A. (2011). Making the most of smallness: Economic policy in microstates and sub-national island jurisdictions. Space and Polity, 15(3), 183-196. 10.1080/13562576.2011.692578

66. Grydehøj*, A., (2011). Negotiating heritage and tradition: Identity and cultural tourism in Ærø, Denmark. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 7(2), 1-14. 10.1080/1743873X.2011.632484

67. Grydehøj*, A., & Hayward, P. (2011). Autonomy initiatives and quintessential Englishness on the Isle of Wight. Island Studies Journal, 6(2), 179-202. 10.24043/isj.256 (SSCI)

68. Grydehøj*, A. (2011). “It’s a funny thing that they were all bad men”: Cultural conflict and integrated tourism policy, in Shetland, UK. International Journal of Tourism Anthropology, 1(2), 125-139. 10.1504/IJTA.2011.040430

69. Grydehøj*, A. (2010). Uninherited heritage: Community reaction to heritage without inheritors in Shetland, Åland, and Svalbard. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 16(1-2), 77-89.10.1080/13527250903441796 (SSCI)

70. Grydehøj*, A. (2008). Branding from above: Generic cultural brand development in Shetland and other island communities. Island Studies Journal, 3(2), 175-198. 10.24043/isj.221 (SSCI)

71. Grydehøj*, A. (2008). Nothing but a shepherd and his dog: Social and economic effects of depopulation in Fetlar, Shetland. Shima, 2(2), 56-72.


电子邮件: agrydehoj@islanddynamics.org