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20201113日,18级材创班《科技发展史》脱口秀展示大赛在一个愉快的周五夜晚举行。本次脱口秀比赛由《科技发展史》外籍教师Tong ZhangAlfred Nordmann教授以及各小组组长组成评审团。虽然受疫情影响,本次比赛线上进行,但同学们热情不减,摩拳擦掌,早早就开始准备,整场脱口秀精彩纷呈,笑点频频。通过本次活动同学们不仅仅收获了欢乐,同时还开拓了在科学技术发展方面的视野,体会到了科学探索历程的艰辛与趣事,更激发了自身的发明创造动力。

On November 13, 2020, the third-year students of Innovation Class of Materials Science and Engineering took part in the Talk Show Competition on the Development History of Science and Technology on a happy Friday night. Dr. Tong Zhang, Professor Alfred Nordmann, and team leaders of each group served as the talk show competition judges. The whole talk show night was full of excitement and laughter. Through this activity, the students not only derived pleasure but also broadened their horizons, realized the hardships and exciting events in the scientific movements, and inspired their own creativity.


Opening speeches by the two judges


At 7 in the evening, Professor Nordmann introduced the competition’s rubrics and officially announced the opening.  Students formed groups of eight, chose their topics based on the development history of science and technology, and answered the judges' and the audience's questions after their shows. The topics are comprehensive and colorful, including not only the philosophical mystery of brain-burning "chicken or egg first" but also the hilarious dialogue "surely, you are joking, Mr. Feynman"; not just the commercial history on "love and hate of Apple mobile phone" but also the "the mysteriously unstoppable ether" at the frontiers of science. Finally, Tars and Michael gave entertaining English crosstalk together. With a stirring epic siege battle as the carrier, they used various interactive skills with punchlines, which mobilized audiences of different cultural backgrounds and pushed the whole talk show into a new high.


Talk show of Unicorn group about Mongolian invasion of Mongolian invaders and other far-fetched stories.

激动人心结果在1117日公布,Tong ZhangNordamnn教授高度评价这次脱口秀,称其既凸显了同学们独特的批判性精神,也展现了大家富有感染力的展示技巧。最终,几个组略胜一筹,半人马组的“别闹了,费曼先生”获得第二名,其幽默且具启发性的对话告诉我们即使生活很悲观、压力很大,也应让生活丰富多彩,富有诗意;美人鱼组凭借全手绘的漫画型插图以及环环相扣的以太发展进程获得了本次脱口秀的第一名!

    The competition results were announced on November 17. Dr. Zhang and Professor Nordamnn spoke highly of the talk show, claiming that it had shown the unique critical spirit and infectious display skills of ISAM students. In the end, several groups were slightly better and got the prize. The Centaur group won second place by "Surely you are joking, Mr. Feynman". Their humorous and enlightening dialogues have inspired us to make our lives colorful and poetic, even if it is pessimistic and stressful. The Mermaid group on "the mysteriously unstoppable ether" won first place in this talk show competition by its entirely hand-painted caricatures and the logic, deep thinking of the development of ether!


Figure 3 Python group's speech on Chinese wisdom


Compared with other theoretical courses, the talk show competition and the course on the history of science and technology have helped students experience the hardships and anecdotes of scientific movements and understand the laws of the historical development of science, stimulating their imagination and creativity.


"Surely you are joking, Mr. Feynman" by Centaur


List of Awards

Texts | 钟思京 Justin 陈明庆 Tars李昊洋 Patricia 示范学院ISAM

 Pictures | 钟思京Justin

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