1973年1月出生,籍贯浙江瑞安,教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划入选者,广东省“千百十”工程省级培养对象。 1991.9-1995.7,浙江工业大学,轻工系,食品科学与工程专业,学士。 1995.9-1998.2,无锡轻工大学(现江南大学),食品工程系,食品工程专业,工学硕士。 1999.9-2002.6,华南理工大学,食品科学与工程系,食品科学专业,工学博士。 2002.7-2005.11,华南理工大学,食品科学与工程系,讲师。 2005.12-2010.5,华南理工大学,轻工与食品学院,副教授。 2006.9-2007.8,香港大学,生命科学学院,访问学者(合作教授:马正勇教授)。 2010.8-2011.6,美国北卡州立大学,生物加工、食品与营养系,研究助理(博士后;合作教授: Allen E. Foegeding 教授,Journal of Food Science 主编)。 2010.6-2012.11,华南理工大学,轻工与食品学院,副教授(先上岗教授)、博士生导师。 2012.12-至今,华南理工大学,轻工与食品学院,教授、博士生导师。 目前是美国Springer期刊Food Biophysics (IF 1.605) 副主编、Bentham Science Publishers期刊 Recent Patents on Food, Nutrition & Agriculture 地区编辑;包括Elsevier期刊 Food Research International (IF 3.182)、中国农业科学等10家国内外期刊的编委;近70家国际SCI期刊的审稿人。 一直致力于食品科学、胶体及功能性食品领域的基础及应用基础研究工作。 |
主持1项十三五国家重点研究计划课题、5项国家自然科学基金项目及其他多项省部级项目的研究。 1.国家自然科学基金,皮克林样球蛋白高效稳定温度响应高内相乳液亲水凝胶及构效机理,21872057,2019.1-2022.12 2.广州市科技项目,高效稳定高内相乳液的球蛋白的结构特征及皮克林稳定作用强化机制,201904010143,2019.4-2022.3 3.国家重点研发计划,蛋白质及其水解物的营养、健康功能机理解析,2017YFD0400201,2017.7-2020.12 4.中央高校基本科研业务费,食品营养及生物活性物质的健康功能研究,2017.4-2018.12 5.国家重点实验室项目,纤维素纳米晶体的高效制备及其稳定皮克林乳液包埋缓释载体的构建,2016C10,2016.1-2017.12 6.国家自然科学基金面上项目,大豆蛋白纳米颗粒皮克林稳定剂的结构特征及其结构化乳液缓释输送载体的构建,31471695,2015.1-2018.12 7.中央高校基本科研业务费,植物蛋白功能新挖掘,2015ZP014,2015.1-2016.12 8.国家自然科学基金面上项目,豆类蛋白自组装纤维纳米结构凝胶构建小肠靶向缓释输送载体研究,31171632,2012.1-2015.12 9.国家自然科学基金面上项目,豆类7S贮藏球蛋白功能性质的分子机理研究——构象稳定性及其修饰途径,30972049,2010.1-2012.12 10.华工基本科研业务费,酶促蛋白乳液凝胶构建热敏活性物质包埋缓释载体的途径及机理,2009ZZ0034,2010.1-2011.12 11.广东省自然科学基金自由申请项目,食物蛋白质的酶促胶凝及其理论基础,05006525,2006.1-2007.12 12.国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,酶法交联食物蛋白质胶凝及成膜的机理,20306008,2004.1-2006.12 |
迄今在食品领域国际主流期刊包括Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr.、J. Agric. Food Chem.、Food Hydrocolloids等上发表SCI论文超120篇。以最新的影响因子(IF)统计,发表SCI论文的期刊的总IF和达355.5,篇均IF为2.963。经ESI数据库检索,近10年的论文总引用次数在国际农业科学领域世界排名第207位(TOP 1% 科学家ESI排名共4800位)。连续三年(2014-2016)进入荷兰爱思唯尔评选的农业和生物化学领域“中国高被引学者”榜单。 1.Liu, Fu; Ou, Shi-Yi; Tang, Chuan-He.Ca2+-induced soy protein nanoparticles as pickering stabilizers: Fabrication and characterization.FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS.2017,65():175-186 2.Deng, Xi-Xiang; Zhang, Ning; Tang, Chuan-He.Soy protein isolate as a nanocarrier for enhanced water dispersibility, stability and bioaccessibility of -carotene.JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE.2017,97(7):2230-2237 3.Chen, Fei-Ping; Ou, Shi-Yi; Chen, Zhong; Tang, Chuan-He.Soy Soluble Polysaccharide as a Nanocarrier for Curcumin.JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY.2017,65(8):1707-1714 4.Zhu, Xue-Feng; Zheng, Jie; Liu, Fu; Qiu, Chao-Ying; Lin, Wei-Feng; Tang, Chuan-He.The influence of ionic strength on the characteristics of heat-induced soy protein aggregate nanoparticles and the freeze-thaw stability of the resultant Pickering emulsions.FOOD & FUNCTION.2017,8(8):2974-2981 5.Zhu, Xue-Feng; Zhang, Ning; Lin, Wei-Feng; Tang, Chuan-He.Freeze-thaw stability of pickering emulsions stabilized by soy and whey protein particles.FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS.2017,69():173-184 6.Chen, Fei-Ping; Ou, Shi-Yi; Tang, Chuan-He.Core-Shell Soy Protein-Soy Polysaccharide Complex (Nano)particles as Carriers for Improved Stability and Sustained Release of Curcumin.JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY.2016,64(24):5053-5059 7.Cao, Wen-Jun; Ou, Shi-Yi; Lin, Wei-Feng; Tang, Chuan-He.Food protein-based phytosterol nanoparticles: fabrication and characterization.FOOD & FUNCTION.2016,7(9):3973-3980 8.Chen, Fei-Ping; Zhang, Ning; Tang, Chuan-He.Food proteins as vehicles for enhanced water dispersibility, stability and bioaccessibility of coenzyme Q(10).LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY.2016,72():125-133 9.Shao, Yun; Tang, Chuan-He.Gel-like pea protein Pickering emulsions at pH 3.0 as a potential intestine-targeted and sustained-release delivery system for beta-carotene.FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL.2016,79():64-72 10.Chen, Shuo; Zhang, Ning; Tang, Chuan-He.Influence of nanocomplexation with curcumin on emulsifying properties and emulsion oxidative stability of soy protein isolate at pH 3.0 and 7.0.FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS.2016,61():102-112 11.Liu, Fu; Tang, Chuan-He.Soy glycinin as food-grade Pickering stabilizers: Part. I. Structural characteristics, emulsifying properties and adsorption/arrangement at interface.FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS.2016,60():606-619 12.Liu, Fu; Tang, Chuan-He.Soy glycinin as food-grade Pickering stabilizers: Part. II. Improvement of emulsification and interfacial adsorption by electrostatic screening.FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS.2016,60():620-630 13.Liu, Fu; Tang, Chuan-He.Soy glycinin as food-grade Pickering stabilizers: Part. III. Fabrication of gel-like emulsions and their potential as sustained-release delivery systems for beta-carotene.FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS.2016,56():434-444 14.Zhao, Xiao-Han; Tang, Chuan-He.Spray-drying microencapsulation of CoQ(10) in olive oil for enhanced water dispersion, stability and bioaccessibility: Influence of type of emulsifiers and/or wall materials.FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS.2016,61():20-30 15.Tang, Chuan-He; Shen, Lan. Dynamic adsorption and dilatational properties of BSA at oil/water interface: Role of conformational flexibility. FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS.2015,43():388-399 16.Chen, Fei-Ping; Li, Bian-Shen; Tang, Chuan-He.Nanocomplexation of soy protein isolate with curcumin: Influence of ultrasonic treatment.FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL.2015,75():157-165 17.Chen, Fei-Ping; Li, Bian-Sheng; Tang, Chuan-He.Nanocomplexation between Curcumin and Soy Protein Isolate: Influence on Curcumin Stability/Bioaccessibility and in Vitro Protein Digestibility.JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY.2015,63(13):3559-3569 18.Liu, F., Tang, C. H. (2014).Phytosterol colloidal particles as Pickering stabilizers for emulsions. Journalof Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 62,5133-5141. 19.Liang, H. N., & Tang, C. H.* (2014). Pea protein exhibits a novel Pickeringstabilization for oil-in-water emulsions at pH 3.0. LWT-Food Science and Technology,58(2), 463-469. 20.Liu, F.,& Tang, C. H.* (2014).Emulsifying properties of soy protein nanoparticles: Influence of proteinconcentration and/or emulsification process. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,62, 2644-2654. 21.Deng, X.X., Chen, Z., Huang, Q., Fu, X., & Tang,C. H.* (2014). Spray-drying microencapsulationof β-carotene withsoyprotein isolate and/or OSA-modified starch. Journal of Applied Polymer Science,131 (12), 40399. 22.Li, K. K., Zhang, X., Huang, Q., Yin, S. W., Yang, X.Q., Wen, Q. B., Tang, C. H., & Lai, F. R. (2014). Continuouspreparation of zein colloidal particles by flash nanoprecipitation (FNP).Journal of Food Engineering, 127,103-110. 23.Shao, Y.,& Tang, C. H.* (2014). Characteristics and oxidative stability of soyprotein-stabilized oil-in-water emulsions: Influence of ionic strength and heatpretreatment. Food Hydrocolloids, 37, 149-158. 24.Shen, L., & Tang, C.H.* (2014).Emulsifying properties of vicilins: Dependence on the protein type andconcentration. Food Hydrocolloids, 36, 278-286. 25.Fan, J. M., Ma, W., Liu, G. Q., Yin, S. W., Tang, C. H., & Yang, X. Q. (2014). Preparation andcharacterization of kidney bean protein isolate (KPI)-chitosan (CH) compositefilms prepared by ultrasonic pretreatment. Food Hydrocolloids, 36, 60-69. 26.Yin, Y. C., Yin, S. W., Yang, X.Q., Tang, C. H., Wen, S. H., Chen,Z., Xiao, B. J., & Wu, L. Y. (2014).Surfacemodification of sodium caseinate films by zein coatings. Food Hydrocolloids, 36, 1-8. 27.Liu, F.,Chen, Z., & Tang, C.H.* (2014).Microencapsulating properties of protein isolates from three selected Phaseolus legumes in comparison with soyprotein isolate. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 55, 74-82. 28.Liang,H. N., & Tang, C. H.* (2013).Emulsifying and interfacial properties of vicilins: Role of conformationalflexibility at quaternary and/or tertiary levels. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,61(46), 11140-11150. 29.Wang, L.J., Yin, Y. C., Yin, S. W.*, Yang, X. Q., Shi, W. J., Tang, C. H., & Wang, J.W. (2013). Development of novel zein-sodium caseinate nanoparticles(ZP)-stabilized emulsion films for improved water barrier properties via emulsion/solventevaporation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 61(46), 11089-11097. 30.Liu, F.,& Tang, C. H.* (2013). Soyprotein nanoparticle aggregates as Pickering stabilizers for oil-in-wateremulsions. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,61 (37),8888-8898. 31.Li, K.K., Yin, S. W., Yin, Y. C., Tang, C. H.,Yang, X. Q., &Wen, S. H.(2013). Preparation of water-soluble antimicrobial zein nanoparticles by a modifiedantisolvent approach and their characterization. Journal of Food Engineering,119, 343-352. 32.Liang,H. N., & Tang, C.H.* (2013). pH-Dependentemulsifying properties of pea proteins. Food Hydrocolloids, 33, 309-319. 33.Li, X.R., & Tang, C. H.* (2013). Influence of glycation onmicroencapsulation properties of soy protein isolate/lactose blends. Journalof the Science of Food and Agriculture, 93, 2715-2722. 34.Tang, C. H.*, & Li, X. R. (2013).Microencapsulating properties of soy protein isolate: Influence of preheatingand/or blending with lactose. Journal of Food Engineering, 117,281-290 35.Tang, C. H.*, Yang, M., Liu, F., &Chen, Z. (2013). A novel process to efficiently form transglutaminase-set soyprotein-stabilized emulsion gels. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 53,15-21. 36.Jiang,Y., & Tang, C. H.* (2013). Effectsof transglutaminase on sorption, mechanical and moisture-related properties ofgelatin films. Food Science and Technology International, 19, 99–108. 37.Tang, C. H.*, & Shen, L. (2013).Role of conformational flexibility in the emulsifying properties of bovineserum albumin. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 61, 3097-3100. 38.Tang, C. H.*, & Li, X. R. (2013).Microencapsulating properties of soy protein isolate and storage stability ofthe correspondingly spray-dried emulsions. Food Research International, 52,419-428. 39.Yang, M., Liu,F., & Tang, C. H.* (2013). Properties and microstructure of transglutaminase-set soyprotein-stabilized emulsion gels. Food Research International, 52, 409-418. 40.Tang, C. H.*, Luo, L. J., Liu, F.,& Chen, Z. (2013).Transglutaminase-set soy globulin-stabilized emulsion gels: Influence of soy β-conglycinin/glycinin ratio onproperties, microstructure and gelling mechanism. Food Research International,51, 804-812. 41.Liu, J., & Tang, C. H.*. (2013).Heat-induced fibril assembly of vicilin at pH 2.0: Reaction kinetics, influenceof ionic strength and protein concentration, and molecular mechanism. FoodResearch International, 51, 621-632. 42.Ma, W., Tang, C. H., Yin, S. W.,Yang, X. Q., & Qi, J. R. (2013). Genipin-crosslinked gelatin films as controlled releasingcarriers of lysozyme. Food Research International, 51,321-324. 43.Luo, L. J., Liu, F., & Tang, C. H.* (2013).The role of glycinin in the formation of gel-like soy protein-stabilizedemulsions. Food Hydrocolloids, 32(1), 97-105. 44.Ma, W., Tang, C. H., Yang, X. Q., & Yin, S.W. (2013). Fabricationand characterization of kidney bean (PhaseolusVulgaris L.) protein isolate-chitosan composite films at acidic pH.FoodHydrocolloids, 31, 237-247. 45.Tang,C. H.*, Yang, M., Liu, F., & Chen, Z. (2013). Stirring greatly improvestransglutaminase-induced gelation of soy protein-stabilized emulsions.LWT-Food Science and Technology, 51, 120-128. 46.Tang, C. H.*, & Liu, F. (2013).Cold, gel-like soy protein emulsions by microfluidization: Emulsioncharacteristics, rheological and microstructural properties, and gellingmechanism. Food Hydrocolloids, 30, 61-72. |
科研项目“大豆精深加工关键技术创新与应用”(江连洲,赵谋明,陈复生,朱秀清,于殿宇,王哲,唐传核,田少君,马传国,周川农),获2011年国家科技进步奖二等奖 珠江学者岗位计划人选-特聘教授,2017 广东省高等学校“千百十工程”省级培养对象,2014 教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”,2010 广东省高等学校“千百十工程”校级培养对象,2010 连续两年(2014、2015)进入农业领域近 10 年的全球科学家 TOP 1% ESI 排名,农业及生化领域的“中国高被引学者”榜单。 指导研究生获得广东省优秀博士学位论文(1 人)、广东省优秀硕士学位论文(3 人)、华南理工大学优秀硕士学位论文(6 人)。 |
获国家发明授权专利多项。 1.唐传核;尹寿伟;石伟健;杨晓泉.一种阻水阻氧可食用膜的制备方法.201410424249.5.授权公告日2017.2.1 2.唐传核;尹寿伟;石伟健;杨晓泉.一种高度疏水可食用膜的制备方法.201410424894.7,授权公告日2016.5.4 3.唐传核;刘付.一种乳清蛋白凝胶状乳液的生产方法.ZL201010207989.5.授权公告日2013.1.9 4.唐传核;尹寿伟;马雯;杨晓泉.一种可生物降解乳液膜材料的制备方法.ZL201210072274.2.授权公告日2013.10.30 |
出版专著两本 1.《植物功能性食品》,化学工业出版社,ISBN:9787502560416,出版时间:2004.10.1 2.《植物生物活性物质》,化学工业出版社,ISBN:9787502560973,出版时间:2005.1.1 |
曾作为访问学者或研究博士后在香港大学和美国北卡州立大学从事合作研究。 |