Su Hu
time: 2015-09-14

NameSu Hu,

Research Field (Research Interest)

Algebraic Number Theory


Ph.D., Mathematics, Tsinghua University, China, September 2004 – July 2008

B.A., Mathematics, Jilin University, China, September 2000 - July 2004

Work Experiences

Associate Professor, March 2015 - Now, School of Mathematics, South China University of Technology, China

Full-time Visiting ScholarJanuary 2013 - January 2015, Mc Gill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Post-doctoral Researcher,August 2010- August 2012 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon 305-701, South Korea

Post-doctoral Researcher and research associate, June 2008- June 2010, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China


1.Su Hu, Min-Soo Kim. The (S,{2})-Iwasawa Theory. Journal of Number Theory. 158 (2016), 73-89.(Indexed in Thomson Reuters SCI)

2.Su HuMin-Soo Kim. On p-adic analogue ofWeil’sElliptic functionsaccording to Eisenstein. Journal of Number Theory. 147 (2015), 605-619.(Indexed in Thomson Reuters SCI)

3.Su Hu, Yan Li. The genus fields of Artin-Schreier extensions. Finite Fields and Their Applications. 16 (2010), 255-264. (Indexed in Thomson Reuters SCI)

4.Min-Soo Kim, Su Hu. On p-adic Hurwitz-type Euler zeta functions. Journal of Number Theory. 1322012), 2977-3015. (Indexed in Thomson Reuters SCI)

5.Sunghan Bae, Su Hu, Hwanyup Jung. The generalized Redei-matrix for function fields. Finite Fields and Their Applications. 18 (2012), 760-780. (Indexed in Thomson Reuters SCI)

6.Su Hu, Yan Li. A note on global units and local units of function fields. Acta Arithmetica 139 (2009), 1-8. (Indexed in Thomson Reuters SCI)

7.Min Sha, Su Hu. Monomial Dynamical Systems of Dimension One over Finite Fields. Acta Arithmetica. 148 (2011), 309-331. (Indexed in Thomson Reuters SCI)

8.Su Hu, Yan Li. Error bounds for quasi-Monte Carlo integration for L∞ with uniform point sets. Monatsh fur Math. 1652012), 327-334. (Indexed in Thomson Reuters SCI)

9.Su Hu. Sum of degrees of irreducible factors for polynomials in several variables. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 346 (2008), 340-343. (Indexed in Thomson Reuters SCI)

10.Su Hu. A note on the dth power residue symbol of F q [t]. Journal of Number Theory. 128 (2008), 2655-2662. (Indexed in Thomson Reuters SCI)

11.Su Hu, Yan Li. Bilinear character sums over norm groups. Publicationes Math ematicae Debrecen. 78 (2011), 405-412. (Indexed in Thomson Reuters SCI)

12.Su Hu, Yan Li. kth power residue chains of global fields. Glasnik Matematicki. 46 (2011), 11-14. (Indexed in Thomson Reuters SCI)

13.Min-Soo Kim, Su Hu. A p-adic view of multiple sums of powers. International Journal of Number Theory. 7 (2011) 2273-2288. (Indexed in Thomson Reuters SCI)

14.Min-Soo Kim, Su Hu. Sums of product of Apostol-Bernoulli Numbers. The Ramanujan Journal . 282012). 113-123. (Indexed in Thomson Reuters SCI)

15.Yan Li, Min-Soo Kim, Su Hu. Distribution of alternative power sums and Euler polynomials modulo a prime. Indagationes Mathematicae. 23 (2012) 19–25. (Indexed in Thomson Reuters SCI)

16.Yan Li, Su Hu. Capitulation problem for global function fields. Archiv der Mathematik. 97 (2011), 413–421. (Indexed in Thomson Reuters SCI)

17.Sunghan Bae, Su Hu, Yan Li. On the set of integral solutions of the Pell equations over global function fields. Acta Math Hungar.139 (2013), 183–194. (Indexed in Thomson Reuters SCI)

18.Su Hu, Yan Li.On a uniformly distributed phenomenon in matrix groups. Journal of Number Theory 133 (2013), 3578–3588. (Indexed in Thomson Reuters SCI)

19.Yan Li, Su Hu. Gauss sums over some matrix groups, Journal of Number Theory, 1322012), 2967-2976. (Indexed in Thomson Reuters SCI)

20.Min-Soo Kim, Su Hu. On p-adic Diamond–Euler Log Gamma functions. Journal of Number Theory, 133 (2013) 4233–4250. (Indexed in Thomson Reuters SCI)

21.Su Hu, Daeyeoul Kim, Min-Soo Kim. New identities involving Bernoulli, Euler and Genocchi numbers. Adv. Difference Equ.2013, 2013:74, 15 pp. (Indexed in Thomson Reuters SCI)

22.Su Hu, Daeyeoul Kim, Min-Soo Kim. On the integral of the product of four and more Bernoulli polynomials, The Ramanujan Journal. 33 (2014), 281-293 (Indexed in Thomson Reuters SCI)

23.Min-Soo Kim, Su Hu. A note on the Apostol-Bernoulli and Apostol-Euler Polynomials. Publ. Math. Debrecen. 83 (2013), 449-464. (Indexed in Thomson Reuters SCI)

24.Su Hu. On the dth power residue symbol of function fields. Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 46 (2009), 1151–1152. (Indexed in Thomson Reuters SCI)

25.Su Hu, Zongwen Yu. A note on the ideal class number problem for quadratic function fields. Acta. Math. Sinica (Chinese Seiers), 53 (2010)135-140.

International Conference Talks Given:

1.Su Hu. Talk (20 minutes): On a uniformly distributed phenomenon in matrix groups. The 10th international conference on finite fields and their applications. University of Ghent. Belgium, July 11th-15th, 2011.

2.Su Hu. Talk (40 minutes): On p-adic Hurwitz-type Euler zeta functions. The Arithmetic of Function Fields and Related TopicsDongguk University, South Korea, August 16th-19th, 2011,

3.Su Hu. Talk (60 minutes) : The genus fields of Artin-Schreier extensions. ASARC workshop on function fields. KAIST, South Korea, July 7th, 2009.

4.Su Hu. Talk (50 minutes): China-Korea Number Theory Seminar. NUAA, Nanjing, China, October 26th-30th, 2012.

5.Su Hu. Talk (40 Minutes) 2013 NIMS Pure and Applied Number Theory Conference 12-15, 2013, Daejeon, South Korea.=August

6.Su Hu. Talk (40 Minutes)2014 NIMS Number Theory and Cryptography Conference August 12-15, 2014, Daejeon, South Korea.

7.Su Hu. Talk (40 Minutes) 2015 NIMS Pure and Applied Number Theory SchoolAugust 9-11,2015, Daejeon, South Korea.

8.Su Hu, (50 Minutes) On p-adic Hurwitz-type Euler zeta functions, Québec-Vermont Number Theory Seminar, Feb 7, 2013.


1.2000-2001, Outstanding Student award and Second Scholarship, Department of mathematical sciences, Jilin University

2. 2001-2002, Outstanding Student award and Third Scholarship, Department of mathematical sciences, Jilin University

3. 2002-2003, Outstanding Student award and Second Scholarship, Department of mathematical sciences, Jilin University

4. 2006, Outstanding Student in Social Practice, Graduate School, Tsinghua University