发布时间: 2019-11-28












余小川博士目前是美国新奥尔良大学(University of New Orleans)应用海洋技术实验室主任(Director)、研究员(Principal Research Scientist,船舶与轮机工程系助理教授(Assistant Professor)。他的研究兴趣包括船舶与海洋结构物运动与响应预报,海洋工程坠物的研究,各类浮式结构物总体性能,系泊与立管系统动力学研究,海洋新能源(如风能等)以及智能材料在海洋工程中的应用研究等。余博士曾在FloaTEC LLC, IntecSea, SBM Offshore等著名海洋工程公司担任船舶工程师,高级船舶工程师,高级水动力/锚泊系统分析师等职。


    Dropped objects may cause fatalities and serious injuries in the offshore oil and gas industry. Objects may accidentally fall down from offshore platforms during lifting or any other offshore operation. In this presentation, an open-access database, named Potential and Actual Dropped Object Incidents and Statistics (DORIS) will be firstly introduced. DORIS provides a visual method of recording and presenting real dropped object incidents. Secondly, the current industrial guidance or classification rules about dropped objects in offshore operations will be addressed, including “Guidance Notes on Accidental Load Analysis and Design for Offshore Structures” by American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) and “Risk Assessment of Pipeline Protection” by Det Norske Veritas (DNV-RP-F107). Thirdly, a new three-dimensional (3D) theory of dynamic motion of a dropped cylindrical object will be introduced.  It has been integrated into Dropped Objects Simulator (DROBS). DROBS is utilized to simulate the trajectories of dropped cylinders, and it is further used to derive the landing point distribution of dropped cylinder in currents based on Monte Carlo simulations. The overall landing point distribution plots can provide a simple way to estimate the risk-free zone. Finally, some ongoing research projects at University of New Orleans (UNO) will be briefly introduced.