关于举行美国史蒂文斯理工学院M. R. Hajj教授 学术报告会的通知


报告题目: Vibration-based Energy Harvesting: Challenges, Solutions and Opportunities

报告人:Muhammad R. Hajj, 史蒂文斯理工学院教授。 

报告时间:2019718   下午  3:00~6:00




Hajj博士是史蒂文斯理工学院教授,土木环境和海洋工程系主任,以及戴维森实验室主任。 Hajj博士是非线性动力学,流体力学,结构动力学和流体-结构相互作用领域的著名学者。研究的理论可以广泛的应用于航空、船舶、水下交通工具和能量收集设备。到目前为止,他已经为26名博士生提供研究课题的指导,是150多种期刊出版物的作者/共同作者。在20187月加入史蒂文斯理工学院之前,Hajj博士是弗吉尼亚理工大学的教授和NSF资助的I / UCRC能量收集材料和系统中心主任,主要研究能源相关的科学问题。2014年至2018年期间,他担任了弗吉尼亚理工大学的研究生院副院长,参与了改革研究生教育计划。Hajj博士是工程力学研究所的研究员,并已当选为理事会成员。1983Hajj博士以优异的成绩毕业贝鲁特美国大学,并获得了学士学位19851990分别获得了德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的硕士和博士学位


Abstract: Transforming ambient energy that is otherwise wasted to electric power has evolved into an applied research field that aims at developing technologies to power electronic devices, circuits and wireless networks. Because semiconductors consume milliwatts (mW) in run operation mode and nanowatts (nW) in standby mode, energy harvesting of few mW is considered as an enabling technology that can be used to design self-powered sensors capable of monitoring and controlling a system’s performance, wirelessly transmitting and receiving data, and initiating decision making. A widely available and viable energy source is vibration with the common energy harvester consisting of a structure, transduction element and an electric load. Different aspects of vibration energy harvesters need to be addressed in order to increase their efficiency and power or energy density and implement them to support monitoring devices. Towards achieving that objective, we will discuss the exploitation of nonlinear phenomena to broaden the bandwidth of vibration energy harvesters and their use to support autonomous monitoring. We will present examples to show how such phenomena can be realized through simple variations of the harvesting structure, along with examples of effective fluidic energy harvesting from aeroelastic vibrations. We will also discuss challenges and recent advances in the development of wireless ultrasonic vibration energy transmission as an approach to power sensors and devices. Particularly, we present patterning and focusing of the transmitted acoustic energy in space as an approach to simultaneously power distributed sensors or devices.