签证办理指南Visa Application Guidance
发布时间: 2022-09-21 浏览次数: 3589

Visa Application Guidance


I. Steps


Step 1

Prepare the required material for visa   application



Step 2


Make an appointment in Student Affairs Office

留学生管理办公室(五山校区): 32号楼208办公室

Student Affairs Office(Wushan campus): Room   208, building 32.


Student Affairs Office(University Town Campus):   B1-208


Step 3


Go to the immigration office as the appointment   paper shows to apply for visa

a.广州市公安局外国人出入境接待大厅(Entry and   exit reception Hall for foreigners of Guangzhou Public Security Bureau:越秀区解放南路155|No.155, Jiefangnan Road, Yuexiu District

b.天河区政务服务中心(Tianhe Visa   Application Center:天河区软件路132|2nd Floor, No.13, Ruanjian Road, Tianhe District

c.番禺区政务服务中心(Panyu Visa   Application Center:番禺区亚运大道550号永业大厦|No.550, Yayun Avenue,   Panyu District Yongye Building


Step 4

Take back the passport from immigration office   on the designated date



Step 5

Register in the police station with passport   and obtain the Accommodation Registration Form for Visitors



Step 6

Submit the copy of registration form to Student   Affairs Office



II. what you need to prepare需要准备的材料

a.护照个人信息页复印件Copy of passport page with your personal information

b.签证复印件Copy of visa

c.境外人员临时住宿登记表Accommodation Registration Form for Visitors

d.由广州国际旅行卫生保健中心出具的体检结果Physical examination result issued by Guangzhou International Travel Health Care Center

e.广东省外国人签证相片1张及该相片的《检测回执》Receipt of China Visa Photograph for Foreigners in Guangdong Province and one photo

 f.录取通知书复印件Copy of admission letter

g.Jw202Jw201原件Original Jw202/Jw201 form

h.结业/毕业证明或转学证明及出勤率和成绩单Completing certificate and transferring letter including the attendance and transcript


1.2019年及之前入学且持有X1签证的学生,需要准备材料a, b, c, d, and e;

Senior students who have X1 visa and started your study in SCUT in 2019 or before, need to submit documents a, b, c, d, and e;

2.2020年及之后入学且持有X1签证的学生,需要准备材料a,b,c,d,e,f and g

Students who started your study in SCUT after 2020(including 2020) need to submit documents a,b,c,d,e,f and g

3.持学习类居留许可签证转学的学生,需要准备材料a,b,c,d,e,f,g and h;

Transferring students with RESIDENCE PERMIT need to submit documents a,b,c,d,e,f,and g.

4.持学习类居留许可签证的老生,需要准备材料1,2,3 and 5

Senior students with study type residence permits need to submit documents 1,2,3 and 5

5.18岁以下的学生还需准备公证的出生证明;Students under 18 should submit the notarized certificate of birth.


III. 材料准备How to prepare the material

1.境外人员临时住宿登记表Accommodation Registration Form for Visitors


If you live in West one, Wushan campus: go to register in Wushan police station with the school letter proving you are living in that dorm and then you will get this form.


If you live in dorm C15, university town campus: go to register in foreigner service center ( across from entrance A of Higher Education Mega Centre South subway station) with the school letter proving you are living in C15and then you will get this form..


If you live in dorm A4B, international campus: go to register in Nancun Government Affairs Center(南村镇政务服务中心) and then you will get this form.


If you live outside of campus but must be in Guangzhou : go to register in local police station  with passport, renting contract and your landlord and then you will get this form.


2.由广州国际旅行卫生保健中心出具的体检结果Physical examination result issued by Guangzhou International Travel Health Care Center


Please click the link to check the details http://www2.scut.edu.cn/sie_cn/2017/0418/c5024a164565/page.htm


3.Receipt of China Visa Photograph for Foreigners in Guangdong Province 广东省外国人签证数字相片采集回执


You can get it by taking photos in any photo studio of Guangzhou.


4.录取通知书和201202Admission letter and jw201 or jw202 form


You can get it by contacting the teacher in admission office.

地址Address: B1-205, university town campus/大学城校区B1-205

电话号码Phone number: 020-39381029





中国 广州市 广州大学城 华南理工大学 国际教育学院 B1-207,邮编:510006
电话(Tel): +86(0)20 39381048; 020-39381029; 020-87110592
传真(Fax): +86(0)20 39381058 电子邮箱:sieinfo@scut.edu.cn