发布时间: 2017-04-15 浏览次数: 1992

姓 名:赵 莹 Zhao Ying

学 历:文学博士(汉语言文字学)
Degree: Doctor of Literature (Chinese language and character)

职 称:讲师
Academic Title:Lecturer

Research Interests: Paleography/Chinese Ancient Philology,Chinese Calligraphy,Science of Chinese as a Second LanguageCareer Experience:Journalist, TeacherTeaching: The undergraduate courses such as Intensive Reading, Chinese Character,the Culture of Chinese Character,Chinese Writing and the postgraduate courses such as Applied Writing , Practical Training in Mandarin Chinese, Technology Chinese,etc.

科 研:主要从事汉字与书法、古文字学、对外汉语教学等方面的研究,主持省级项目1项、厅级项目1项、中央高校项目1项,参与国家级项目1项、教育部重大课题攻关项目1项及多项省级项目,并在《古文字研究》、《中国书法》等国内权威期(辑)刊发表多篇论文,参编由中华书局出版的大型工具书3部(已出版2部,且先后获得教育部人文社科成果三等奖、二等奖)。
Research Achievements:Dr. Zhao has hosted one provincial-level scientific research project, one department-level project and one school-level project. She has also participated in a National-Level Project and an Education-Ministry -Level Social Science Research Key Project. Meanwhile, She has published several research articles mainly on Chinese Character and Calligraphy in the national academic journals. She has participated in compiling three large dictionaries (two of them has published by Zhonghua Book Company,which is one of the most authoritative press company in China),which successively won the Third and Second prizes for outstanding achievements in Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education.

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