中国政府奖学金留学生医疗规定Medical Regulations for Chinese Government Scholarship International Students
发布时间: 2020-02-21 浏览次数: 619

1. 奖学金留学生如需看病,可到学校医院就诊。

1. Students on scholarship may go to the hospital and clinics of SCUT for their medical needs.

2. 留学生就诊的医疗费和药品费按学校公费医疗管理有关规定实行,凡不属公费医疗范围的费用(如镶牙、配眼镜、做人工流产、购买营养补品等费用),均由本人支付。

2. Costs of medical care and medicine are determined by the SCUT public medical care regulations. Medical services which are not covered by SCUT regulations, such as false teeth, glasses, abortions, and vitamins are fully at the students’ expense.

3. 因病需要转院者须经学校医院同意方可到学校指定的医院就诊、未经办理手续者(除急诊外),一律不予报销医疗和药品费用。

3. If a student requires medical care at a hospital outside the university, he/she must obtain a transfer note from an SCUT hospital/clinic for expense coverage. If a student goes to a non-university hospital without authorization from SCUT, he/she will be responsible for all medical and pharmaceutical expenses.

4. 住院治疗者,伙食费自理。

4. Students in the hospital are responsible for all food expenses.

5. 外出实习或进行科研工作、社会调查,急诊可在当地公立医疗单位就诊,凭急诊病历及收据报销费用。留学生在境外期间的医疗费自理。

5. When off campus for internships, research, or survey work, students may go to non-university hospitals in the event of emergency medical needs, and SCUT will cover the expenses in accordance with the receipts and emergency medical records. Students are responsible for all medical expenses accrued outside of China.

6. 本校注册的中国政府奖学金留学生,才能享受公费医疗待遇。留学生休学或被取消学籍期间,公费医疗同时停止。

6. All international students on Chinese government scholarships who are registered in SCUT may enjoy public medical care at SCUT. Public medical care is retracted from those who are suspended or expelled from SCUT.

7. 治疗艾滋病、性病及因酗酒、打架斗殴、交通肇事等需入院治疗的,医疗费不予报销,应按有关规定由本人、责任者或责任单位支付。

7. SCUT will not cover expenses incurred from an injury or illness related to drinking, fighting, or causing a traffic accident, nor for the treatment of an STD or AIDS. These expenses should be paid by the student or any others responsible.

8. 以上规定仅适用于政府奖学金留学生,自费留学生的一切医疗费用自理。

8. These regulations only apply to students on government scholarships. International students not on scholarship are responsible for their own medical and pharmaceutical expenses.

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