姓 名:王庆年

性 别:

民 族:汉族

籍 贯:陕西西安

学 历:管理科学与工程博士 

职 称(职务):院长,副研究员



Prof. Qingnian WANG (David) studied under Prof. Siwei Cheng, a famous Chinese economist and Father of Virtual Economy, and Professor Long Zhihe, a renowned quantitative economist. He looked at the internationalization of higher education and knowledge spillover. He and his team mainly focus on applying blockchain technology and computational trust in business, economy, public management, journalism, and education.

He went to the University of Westminster (UK) and the University of Maryland (US) for further study and visited more than 30 world-class universities worldwide. From 2006 to 2011, I was in charge of educational cooperation between China and Hungary in the Chinese embassy in Hungary. I have accumulated rich experience in higher education exchanges and cooperation. During that period, he received state leaders, including General Secretary Xi Jinping, former chairman Wu Bangguo, former CPPCC chairman Jia Qinglin, and vice chairman Cheng Siwei. He was responsible for promoting the signing and establishment of the china-Singapore international Joint Research Institute of South China University of Technology and Nanyang Technological University witnessed by general secretary Xi Jinping on Dec.17th,2015 in Singapore; He also promoted other major constructions in SCUT such as, the implementation of national preparatory program for overseas study in China, which reserves a good source of overseas students for Guangzhou International Campus of South China University of Technology; the establishment of advanced materials international demonstration school of south China university of technology, with an annual grant of over 3 million yuan; the implementation of the overseas study and training research center of the ministry of education; China-Asean education and training center; the establishment of the first china-foreign cooperatively-run teaching project of South China University of Technology; the construction of six programs of 111 Overseas Expertise Introduction Project for Discipline Innovation .

学:讲授跨文化沟通与专业素养(全英文,Cross-Culture communication and Professional Literacy)、区块链与数字经济前沿(全英文,Frontiers of Blockchain and Digital Economy)等全英文课程目前共指导硕士研究生25人。



1. 主持国家社科基金项目(21BSH097“基于超级账本区块链的社会信任体系建构及其运行机制研究” 

2. 主持科技部(国家级/国家外国专家局)(DL2021163001L“欧洲发展史与技术创新研究” 

3. 主持教育部中外语言交流合作中心重点项目“区块链+国际中文学分系统的研究与应用”

4. 主持教育部产学合作协同育人项目(202102119014基于区块链应用的国际商务课程教学改革 

5. 主持教育部产学合作协同育人项目(201902036018基于区块链的跨境电子商务实践基地建设 

6. 主持教育部产学合作协同育人项目(201902315002“区块链技术+电子商务学院建设 

7. 主持广东省自然科学基金区域创新能力与支撑保障体系建设项目(2020A1414010301)“举办“欧洲历史文化发展与创新”讲座与交流活动”

8. 主持广东省社会科学“十三五”规划2020年后期资助项目(GD20HYJ02“‘一带一路’倡议下的跨境电子商务理论与实践” 

9. 主持教育部人文社科基金研究项目“高等学校知识溢出研究——以广东高校为例”


1. Wang, Q.; Wang, Y.; Wang, T. The Impact of Digital Transformation on Enterprise Performance: An Empirical Analysis Based on China's Manufacturing Export Enterprises. Preprints 2023,2023081266. https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202308.1266.v1doi:10.20944/preprints202308.1266.v1

2. Wang, Q.; Wang, Y.; Li, X.; Tang, L. The Sustainability of Family Ownership on the Choice of Foreign Market Entry Mode: Empirical Evidence from Listed Family Firms in China. Sustainability 2023, 15, 10674. https://doi.org/10.3390/ su151310674SCI二区)

3. Qingnian Wang, Yunpei Wang, Xiaoping Li, Lan Tang, Overseas Market Entry Mode and Equity Entry Mode MDPI encyclopedia, 2023,07:1-3, https://encyclopedia.pub/entry/46722

4. QINGNIAN WANGXINYI HE, LI WU, YANFEI ZENG, A Computational Trust Model Based on Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain, 2022 8th International Conference on Computing and Artificial Intelligence (ICCAI ’22), March 18–21, 2022, Tianjin, China. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 9 pages, https://doi.org/10.1145/3532213.3532239 (EI Compendex)

5. Qingnian Wang; Li WuXinyi HeYanfei Zeng The Application of Blockchain Technology on Medical and Healthcare, Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2022, 18(Suppl.2):3–137DOI:10.1111/ajco.13830SCI四区)

6. Qingnian Wang; Danxia Qiu; Xinyi He; Li Wu; Yanfei Zeng; Conception of Applying Sovereign Blockchain Technology to Improve Tax Credit Management in Guangdong Province, China, 2021 International Conference on artificial intelligence and blockchain technology, AIBT2021, Beijing, 2021.12.04-06 DOI: 10.1109/AIBT53261.2021 (EI Compendex)

7. Qingnian WANG, The Structure of a Computational Trust Model Based on Hyperledger Fabric, Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, 2020.08(SCI二区)

8. 王庆年,郭纯溦,全球价值链嵌入对制造业碳排放的影响研究——“双碳”背景下基于中国制造业数据的分析,当代经济,20233):84-93

9. 洪文倩、王庆年,基于区块链的海运业智能合约框架构建与分析,物流科技,2020(05):97-101.

10. 增长理论与经济发展道路的选择,经济问题探索,2004(11):4-7,(CSSCI)



王庆年(2021) “一带一路”倡议下的跨境电子商务理论与实践,中国商务出版社





