[交流合作]2017.12.4-6 国际海洋材料保护研究常设委员会(COIPM)主席、英国纽卡斯尔大学Anthony S Clare教授来访交流记事
发布时间: 2017-12-17 浏览次数: 332

Anthony S Clare教授讲授海洋生物学

      近日,受张广照教授的邀请, 国际海洋材料保护研究常设委员会(COIPM)主席、英国纽卡斯尔大学Anthony S Clare教授到本课题组进行访问交流,并进行了题为“Approaches to Environmentally Benign Marine Fouling Control”的精彩学术报告。报告中,Clare教授向师生充分展示了他在海洋防污材料领域的丰富成果以及对海洋污损形成机制研究的深入探索。Clare教授与本课题组师生进行了深刻的讨论,为双方的学术合作打下坚实基础。

张广照教授向师生介绍Anthony S Clare教授

Anthony S Clare教授与华工师生进行学术交流

Anthony S Clare教授简介:
Professor Clare is a marine chemical ecologist with a special interest in marine invertebrate larval settlement. After receiving his PhD at Bangor University, he worked as RA at University of Newcastle. Then, he worked at Duke University as a Postdoc and Research Assistant Professor for 5 years. He returned to UK in 1993 for a Fellowship at the Marine Biological Association, Plymouth and was appointed to Lecture at Newcastle in 1998. He was promoted to Reader in 2001 and Chair of Marine Science in Newcastle in 2003. He is now the Chair of Comité International Permanent pour la Recherche sur la Préservation des Matériaux en Milieu Marin (COIPM) and Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. He has a seat on National Oceanography Centre Association Steering Board. He also serves on Editorial Boards of Biofouling, Scientific Reports and several other journals. His research interests focus on interfacial biology including marine biofouling/antifouling, bioadhesion/adhesives, chemical ecology and aquaculture.