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  • 关于举行新加坡南洋理工大学范红金教授学术报告会的通知

    发布者:梁栋  发布时间:2022-03-28  浏览次数:182

    报告题目:Stabilization of Zn anode: strategies and mechanisms

    报告人:范红金教授Prof. Fan HongjinNanyang Technological University, Singapore


    主持人:邝泉  副教授






    报告摘要:Research on aqueous Zn ion batteries (AZIB) have been traditionally focused on cathode materials, whereas the Zn foil anode has been largely ignored until recent years. Bare Zn is unstable in a wide pH range. In the most popular Zn ion batteries, neutral or mildly acidic electrolyte solutions are employed. The Zn anode suffer from dendrite growth due to inhomogeneous nucleation and growth, corrosion due to hydrogen evolution reaction, and passivation due to side reaction byproduct. This cause severe stability issue in AZIBs. Numerous research activities are being devoted to stabilize the Zn anode surface. In this talk, I will show some typical examples reported by other groups, and then elaborate a few specific cases of our own studies. Focus is put on mechanistic understanding rather than materials engineering.


    报告人简介:范红金,新加坡南洋理工大学数理学院教授。本科毕业于吉林大学物理系,新加坡国立大学获博士学位,其后分别在德国马普研究所和英国剑桥大学从事博士后工作。2008年加入南洋理工大学至今。范老师的主要研究领域为纳米材料在能源中的应用,包括钠电池,锌电池和光电催化。以通讯作者或合作作者发表260多篇论文,已被引用三万余次。从2016 起连续成为科睿唯安材料类全球高被引作者。范教授目前担任Materials Today Energy (MTE) 主编。
