Critical Issues and Technology Tools in Traffic Signal Control in the US--An Academic Lecture Given by Prof. Tian Zongzhong of the University of Nevada, Reno in the United States
time: 2018-05-25

At 3 pm on May 21, Prof. Tian Zongzhong of the University of Nevada, Reno in the United States held an academic lecture on traffic signal control topics in the conference room 604 of the Jiaotong Building of South China University of Technology.

Prof. Wen Huiying, Assistant Dean of the School of Civil Engineering and Transportation, first addressed the lecture. She thanked Professor Tian for taking the time to set up the theme lecture on traffic signal control during his busy schedule which would give students majoring in transportation a broad perspective and more expertise.

  Pic. 1 Academic Lecture Given by Prof. Tian Zongzhong


The topic of this lecture is Critical Issues and Technology Tools in Traffic Signal Control in the US . As a senior professor at the University of Nevada, Reno in the US, Teacher Tian first provided an overview of the traffic systems and control in the US, with a particularly focus on major characteristics and differences in traffic signal control. Then the critical issues facing traffic signal engineers were introduced, which can be summarized into four aspects: data management, optimization, diagnosis, and evaluation. With regard to each aspect, an advanced signal timing software was demonstrated to show how each of these aspect is handled. Some real case studies were also included to give the audience a better understanding of the applications of the software tool.

Pic. 2 Prof. Tian was Giving a Talk on Traffic Signal Control Topics

The audience was very interested in the topic and content. They have asked questions related to traffic signal control technology and practice, and the signal timing software. Prof. Tian also made a very detailed answer to these questions, which made the atmosphere very active. Through questions and answers, everyone learned new expertise and benefited greatly.

Pic. 3 Prof. Tian and Our Teachers


This lecture made everyone understand the characteristics of the traffic signal control in China and the US, and consolidated and deepened the understanding of critical issues and technologies in signal control. At the same time, this lecture also embodies the active education method that allows students to contact, learn and exchange advanced expertise.

Personal profile:

Dr. Tian Zongzhong is a lifetime professor and a doctoral supervisor of the University of Nevada, Reno in the United States. He is also the director of the Center for Advanced Transportation Education and Research (CATER), who mainly studies the traffic signal control timing, the capability of unsignalized intersections, road traffic safety, ramp control, coordination control of freeway and urban road traffic systems, and traffic simulation applications.

Prof. Tian Zongzhong led the development of TranSync, an advanced signal timing software. He is active in several international academic organizations, who is also a Distinguished Professor of the Recruitment Program of Global Experts of Tianjin and a professor of Beijing Jiaotong University. He has more than 20 years of experience in research, teaching, and consulting.