发布时间: 2022-06-14


Compressive behaviour and design of CFDST cross-sections withstainless steel outer tubes


地点:线上(腾讯会议 ID93382698531









汪方莹博士于 2020 年加入诺丁汉大学,担任该校结构工程方向的助理教授。她的主要研究聚焦于结构测试、数值建模以及面向钢管结构和钢筋混凝土结构的设计方法和其评估。她目前正在指导 8 名博士生研究从事结构工程诸多领域的研究探索,其中包括但不限于钢管混凝土的构件和连接、再生混凝土填充的钢管结构、不锈钢管结构的局部和整体稳定性,以及高强度钢开口截面结构。她是很多国际会议组委会成员,主持了UKacm 2022。同时她也是 Frontiers in Materials(结构材料)的副主编,并曾获得多个国际期刊的优秀审稿人。她还积极领导/参与有关使用绿色和可回收材料对复合结构进行可持续建造的研究项目。


Dr Fangying Wang joined the University of Nottingham in 2020 as an Assistant Professor in Structural Engineering. Her principal research contributions lie in the areas of laboratory testing, numerical modelling and the assessment and development of design guidelines for steel tubular structures and concrete-steel structures. In particular, she is supervising 8 PhD students on various domains of structural engineering including, but not limited to, concrete-filled steel tubular members and connections, recycled concrete-filled tubular structures, local and global stability of stainless-steel tubular structures, and high strength steel open section structures. She sits on the organising committee for various international conferences and chaired UKacm 2022. She is an associate editor for Frontiers in Materials (Structural Materials), and has been awarded with outstanding reviewers for international journals. She is also actively leading/involved in research projects on sustainable constructions with composite structures by using green and recycled materials.



本次讲座将介绍对带有不锈钢外管的混凝土填充双壁管 (CFDST)的受压响应性能的数值模拟研究。首先,根据文献中报道的实验结果对有限元模型进行了开发和验证。在成功复制CFDST 短柱的极限承载力、荷载变形时程和失效模式后,汪博士团队开展了参数化研究来探索包括内外管的局部长细比、混凝土强度以及所采用的不锈钢等级在内的关键变量对CFDST 短柱极限响应的影响。基于生成的有限元数据库和可用的测试结果,评估了现有的欧洲、澳大利亚和美国复合碳钢构件设计规定对所研究的 CFDST 横截面设计的适用性。所有证过的设计规则都表明这些设计准则偏保守(对于较高混凝土等级的情况较少)和相当分散的性能预测。为适当考虑仅向外的局部屈曲和填充混凝土的有效抗压强度,以反映较高混凝土等级相对有效性的降低,从而对与外管有效面积有关的设计方法进行修正。修正后的设计规则被证明可以提高设计承载力预测的准确性和一致性。

A finite element (FE) investigation into the compressive behaviour of concrete-filled double skin tubular (CFDST) cross-sections with stainless steel outer tubes is presented. FE models were initially developed and validated against available test results reported in the literature. Upon successful replication of the ultimate capacities, load–deformation histories and failure modes exhibited by the tested CFDST stub columns, a parametric study was undertaken to investigate the influence of key variables, including the local slendernesses of the outer and inner tubes, the concrete strength and the adopted grade of stainless steel, on the ultimate response of the studied CFDST stub columns. Based on the generated FE data pool and the available test results, the applicability of the existing European, Australian and American design provisions for composite carbon steel members to the design of the studied CFDST cross-sections was evaluated. All the examined design rules are shown to yield unduly conservative (less so for the higher concrete grades) and rather scattered capacity predictions. Modifications to the design treatment in relation to the effective area of the outer tubes, to take due account of outward-only local buckling, and the effective compressive strength of the infilled concrete, to reflect the reduced relative effectiveness of higher concrete grades, are considered. The modified design rules are shown to improve the accuracy and consistency of the design capacity predictions.