发布时间: 2016-09-06




康澜,女,博导,副教授,华南理工大学土木与交通学院土木工程系副系主任,广东省特支计划科技创新青年拔尖人才入选者。聚焦研究领域:极端荷载作用下普通和高强钢结构服役性能演化规律研究和金属增材制造土木工程应用研究。主持国家自然科学基金 2 项,省部级科研项目 4 项,省部级教研教改项目 1 项。发表SCI收录期刊论文 32 篇,其中一作和通讯 26 篇。参编 1 部行业标准和 1 部广东省标准,授权发明和实用新型专利 10 项。受邀做大会邀请报告 2 次。担任个国际期刊审稿人,国家自然科学基金项目评审专家。主讲装配式结构设计等本科生课程和数据挖掘及土木工程应用等研究生课程。培养学生3人次获得国家奖学金,2人次获得校级优秀毕业设计。





2006.09 ~ 2009.09 博士,同济大学,土木工程学院建筑工程系,结构工程专业;

2003.09 ~ 2006.07 硕士,华南理工大学,建筑学院土木工程系,结构工程专业;

1999.09 ~ 2003.07 本科,华南理工大学,建筑学院土木工程系,土木工程专业。


2022.09 ~ 副系主任,博士生导师,副教授,华南理工大学,土木与交通学院,土木工程系;

2019.06 ~ 2022.08 副系主任,副教授,华南理工大学,土木与交通学院,土木工程系;

2014.09 ~ 2019.05副教授,华南理工大学,土木与交通学院,土木工程系;

2012.04 ~ 2014.06 JSPS外国人特别研究员(申请成功率10%),日本名城大学,工学部;

2011.04 ~ 2012.03 博士后研究员,大幸学者,日本名城大学,工学部;

2009.09 ~ 2011.03 工程师,中交四航工程研究院有限公司,结构所。


1. 极端荷载作用下普通和高强钢结构服役性能演化规律研究

Ø  大震下钢结构的极低周疲劳性能:材料、构件和体系

Ø  腐蚀后钢结构剩余承载力评价与分析

Ø  钢桥桥墩抗震性能研究

Ø  地震耦合海啸作用下沿海钢桥损伤评价与分析

Ø  高强钢结构耐火性能研究

2. 金属增材制造土木工程应用研究

Ø  腐蚀、疲劳、撞击等表面损伤钢结构的还原式修复

Ø  钢结构薄弱部位的补强与加固

Ø  复杂钢结构连接节点


1.       国家自然科学基金面上项目,52178286,激光熔覆修复局部腐蚀圆钢管的界面应力传递规律及承载机制,2022-012025-1275.4万元,在研,主持

2.       国家自然科学基金青年项目,51508205,考虑极低周疲劳效应的焊接钢材延性断裂模型及评价分析方法研究,2016-012018-1225.6万元,已结题,主持

3.       广东省自然科学基金面上项目,2020A1515011070,海上风机导管架基础船撞安全性能研究,2020-012022-1210万元,已结题,主持

4.       “广东特支计划”科技创新青年拔尖人才,2016TQ03Z528,资源与环境领域,2017-072020-0630万,已结题,主持

5.       广东省科技计划项目,2014A020218002,跨海大桥在地震耦合海啸作用下的抗撞性能研究,2015-072018-0620万元,已结题,主持

6.       亚热带建筑科学国家重点实验室自主研究课题,2022KB14,激光增材制造高容错钢结构连接节点的拓扑优化及承载机制研究,2022-072024-630万元,在研,主持

7.       中央高校基本科研业务费重点项目,D2191360,加强型节点断裂破坏机理和设计方法研究,2019-012020-1220万元,已结题,主持

8.       中央高校基本科研业务费重点项目,2017ZD016,高强焊接工字形钢梁抗火性能与设计方法研究,2017-012018-1215万元,已结题,主持

9.       中央高校基本科研业务费面上项目,20152M015,不同应力三轴度条件下焊接钢材的延性断裂性能研究,2015-012016-129万元,已结题,主持

10.    亚热带建筑科学国家重点实验室开放课题,2016ZB25,极低周疲劳作用下焊接钢结构的延性断裂性能评价分析方法研究,2016-012017-123万元,已结题,主持

11.    国家自然科学基金面上项目,51978281FRP-高强混凝土-高强钢双壁空心柱受压力学性能研究,2020-012023-1260万元,在研,参与

12.    国家重点研发项目子课题,2017YFC0703400,组合结构全寿命性能与可靠性设计方法研究,2017-072020-0650万元,已结题,参与


·     SCI收录期刊论文 (第一作者和通讯作者)

1.        Kang, L.*, Zhang, B., Bradford, M. A., and Liu, X. P. (2023). Interfacial behaviour and stress transfer mechanism of additively manufactured laser cladding sheet-covered steel plates. Thin-Walled Structures, 182, 110218.

2.        Kang, L.*, Chen, F., Wu, B., Liu, X. P., and Ge, H. B. (2022). Mechanical properties and microstructure of laser-cladding additively manufactured 316L stainless steel sheets. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 199, 107603.

3.        Liu, Y., Ikeda, S., Liu, Y., Kang, L.*, and Ge, H. B. (2022). Experimental investigation of fracture performances of SBHS500, SM570 and SM490 steel specimens with notches. Metals, 12(4), 672.

4.        Kang, L.*, and Zhang, C. (2022). Cyclic behavior of steel beam-to-column connections with novel strengthened angle components. Steel and Composite Structures, 42(6), 791-804.

5.        Kang, L.*, Wu, B., Liu, X. P., and Ge, H. B. (2021). Experimental study on post-fire mechanical performances of high strength steel Q460. Advances in Structural Engineering, 24(12), 2791-2808.

6.        Kang, L.*, Hong, S. T., and Liu, X. P. (2021). Shear behaviour and strength design of cellular beams with circular or elongated openings. Thin-Walled Structures, 160, 107353.

7.        Kang, L.*, Meng, L. C., and Lin, Y. W. (2020). Experimental and numerical investigation of lateral torsional buckling behavior and capacity of welded Q460 beams. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 172, 106166.

8.        Fujie, W., Taguchi, M., Kang, L.*, Ge, H. B., and Xu, B. (2020). Ductile crack initiation evaluation in stiffened steel bridge piers under cyclic loading. Steel and Composite Structures, 36(4), 463-480.

9.        Liu, Y., Kang, L.*, and Ge, H. B. (2019). Experimental and numerical study on ductile fracture of structural steels under different stress states. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 158, 381-404.

10.     Kang, L., Wang, Y. Q., Liu, X. P., and Uy, B. (2019). Investigation of residual stresses of hybrid normal and high strength steel (HNHSS) welded box sections. Steel and Composite Structures, 33(4), 489-507.

11.     Kang, L., Ge, H. B.*, Magoshi, K., and Nonaka, T. (2019). Behavior of a steel bridge with large caisson foundations under earthquake and tsunami actions. Steel and Composite Structures, 31(6), 575-589.

12.     Wu, B., Cao, J.-L., and Kang, L.* (2018). End patch loading behavior and strengthening of locally corroded steel I-beams. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 148, 371-382.

13.     Kang, L.*, Suzuki, M., Ge, H. B., and Wu, B. (2018). Experiment of ductile fracture performances of HSSS Q690 after a fire. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 146, 109-121.

14.     Kang, L.*, Suzuki, M., and Ge, H. B. (2018). A study on application of high strength steel SM570 in bridge piers with stiffened box section under cyclic loading. Steel and Composite Structures, 26(5), 583-594.

15.     Kang, L.*, Ge, H. B., Suzuki, M., and Wu, B. (2018). An average weight whole-process method for predicting mechanical and ductile fracture performances of HSS Q690 after a fire. Construction and Building Materials, 191, 1023-1041.

16.     Wu, B., Cao, J.-L., and Kang, L.* (2017). Influence of local corrosion on behavior of steel I-beams subjected to end patch loading: Experiments. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 135, 150-161.

17.     Kang, L., Magoshi, K., Ge, H. B.*, and Nonaka, T. (2017). Accumulative response of large offshore steel bridge under severe earthquake and ship impact due to earthquake-induced tsunami flow. Engineering Structures, 134, 190-204.

18.     Kang, L.*, Ge, H. B., and Fang, X. (2016). An improved ductile fracture model for structural steels considering effect of high stress triaxiality. Construction and Building Materials, 115, 634-650.

19.     Jia, L.-J., Ikai, T., Kang, L.*, Ge, H. B., and Kato, T. (2016). Ductile cracking simulation procedure for welded joints under monotonic tension. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 60(1), 51-69.

20.     Kang, L., Ge, H. B.*, and Kato, T. (2015). Experimental and ductile fracture model study of single-groove welded joints under monotonic loading. Engineering Structures, 85, 36-51.

21.     Kang, L., and Ge, H. B. * (2015). Predicting ductile crack initiation in steel bridge piers with unstiffened box section under specific cyclic loadings using detailed and simplified evaluation methods. Advances in Structural Engineering, 18(9), 1427-1442.

22.     Ge, H. B., and Kang, L.* (2014). Ductile crack initiation and propagation in steel bridge piers subjected to random cyclic loading. Engineering Structures, 59, 809-820.

23.     Kang, L., and Ge, H. B.* (2013). Predicting ductile crack initiation of steel bridge structures due to extremely low-cycle fatigue using local and non-local models. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 17(3), 323-349.

24.     Ge, H. B., Kang, L.*, and Tsumura, Y. (2013). Extremely low-cycle fatigue tests of thick-walled steel bridge piers. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 18(9), 858-870.

25.     Kang, L., and Ge, H. B.* (2012). Strength and ductility evaluation method for steel bridge pier frames considering effect of shear failure. Advanced Steel Construction, 8(4), 366-382.

26.     Kang, L.*, Zhang, Q., and Wang, Z. (2009). Linear and geometrically nonlinear analysis of novel flat shell elements with rotational degrees of freedom. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 45(5), 386-392.

·     SCI收录期刊论文 (其他作者)

27.     Liu, Q.*, Ma, J., Kang, L., Sun, G., and Li, Q. (2015). An experimental study on fatigue characteristics of CFRP-steel hybrid laminates. Materials & Design, 88, 643-650.

28.     Ge, H. B., Jia, L.-J.*, Kang, L., and Suzuki, T. (2014). Experimental study on seismic performance of partial penetration welded steel beam-column connections with different fillet radii. Steel and Composite Structures, 17(6), 851-865.

29.     Magoshi, K., Kang, L., Ge, H. B.*, Nonaka, T., Harada, T., and Murakami, K. (2013). An evaluation method for large drifting object-bridge collision during tsunami. Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami, 7(2), 1350009.

30.     Ge, H. B.*, Kang, L., and Hayami, K. (2013). Recent research developments in ductile fracture of steel bridge structures. Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami, 7(3), 1350021.

31.     Ge, H. B., and Kang, L. (2012). A damage index-based evaluation method for predicting the ductile crack initiation in steel structures. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 16(5), 623-643.

32.     Ge, H., Chen, X., and Kang, L. (2012). Demand on Stiffened steel shear panel dampers in a rigid-framed bridge pier under repeated seismic ground motions. Advances in Structural Engineering, 15(3), 525-546.

·     在投SCI期刊论文

33.     Kang, L.*, Zhang, C., Bradford, M. A., and Liu, X. P. Full-range stress-strain relationship and fracture model for laser cladding additively manufactured 316L stainless steel sheets. Engineering Structures, under review.

34.     Kang, L.*, Zhang, C., Bradford, M. A., and Liu, X. P. Axial compressive behaviour of corroded circular steel tube columns retrofitted by laser-cladding additive manufacturing. Thin-walled Structures, submitted.

35.     Kang, L.*, Chen, F., Bradford, M. A., and Liu, X. P. Experimental study on mechanical properties of laser additively manufactured 316L stainless steels. ready to submit.

·     EI收录中文期刊论文

36.     康澜*陈宗霖林益伟高强圆钢管约束高强型钢混凝土短柱的轴压力学性能华南理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 50(07): 1-12.

37.     康澜*邬彬陈志邦激光熔覆技术修复局部腐蚀钢板后修复件的力学性能华南理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 50(05): 137-146.

38.     康澜*洪书涛, Q690D高强钢的疲劳性能试验研究华南理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 49(08): 35-42.


参编 1 部行业标准《再生混合混凝土组合结构技术标准》和 部广东省标准《再生混合混凝土组合结构技术规程》,授权发明专利和实用新型专利 10 

1.   孟柳辰康澜一种基于杠杆原理的钢梁稳定试验集中荷载加载装置发明, 2017110033024

2.   林陈可康澜陈涛陈启雷浚帅少璇陈宁刘玥冯晓桐一种可拆装移动的模块化建筑结构实用新型, 2021209907611

3.   康澜洪书涛一种矩形钢管混凝土柱实用新型, 2020228630402

4.   林益伟康澜熊莹一种高强钢管约束高强型钢混凝土组合柱实用新型, 201921866507X

5.   邱文科康澜张彬一种可恢复功能的承载耗能梁柱节点装置实用新型, 2019218211645

6.   梁国立康澜张彬一种双钢种矩形钢管高强混凝土柱实用新型, 2019219214509

7.   梁国立康澜一种双腔式矩形钢管高强混凝土柱实用新型, 201921921547X

8.   王羽琦康澜一种适用于抗震设防区的高延性混合强度箱形截面钢柱实用新型, 2018217637415

9.   林益伟康澜一种轻钢龙骨铝锥芯航空板隔墙实用新型, 2018220067830

10.林杨胜赵峻鹏,康澜秦楚灏谢睿杰钟伟恒一种用碳纤维增强复合材料加固的开圆形孔蜂窝梁实用新型, 2018221059812


·    主讲课程




·     教研教改项目

1.       广东省研究生教育创新计划项目(教改项目),基于全过程盲控和协同育人的土木水利专业学位研究生培养质量保障体系的构建与研究,2021.06~2023.05,主持

2.       校级教研教改项目,校级课程思政示范课程:装配式结构设计,2022.09~2024.08,主持

3.       校级教研教改项目,新工科和金课背景下装配式结构设计课程建设与实践创新,2021.05~2023.04,主持

4.       校级教研教改项目,校级一流本科课程:砌体结构,2021.01~2022.12,主持


·     教研教改论文

康澜*季静吴建营侯爽土木工程研究生培养质量多维保障体系的研究与实践教育现代化, 2022, 19.



1.        程,2022年获得研究生国家奖学金

2.       洪书涛,2021年获得研究生国家奖学金

3.        彬,2020年获得本科生国家奖学金

4.       谢沛醒,2022年度获得校级优秀毕业设计

5.       李炯辉,2018年度获得校级优秀毕业设计

6.       指导毕业设计 29 人,校级优秀人,院级优秀13 人,优秀占比45 %

7.       2021年,指导本科生获得首届全国大学生工业化建筑与智慧建造竞赛二等奖