
2022-09-05   编辑:郭艳芹

报告题目: Renewable energy and flexibility of energy systems

报告人: 严晋跃教授  香港理工大学

报告时间 202297日(周三) 下午3:00-4:30

报告地点: 逸夫工程馆四楼会议室









Energy transition from fossil-based to zero carbon is the pathway for the world to meet future climate goals by 2050 according to the Paris Agreement. However, a real challenge faces us: how to rapidly manage the implications of variable renewable energy sources (VREs)? The increased share of sources such as solar and wind calls for the new development of system operating procedures and market implementation, including real time forecasting, faster scheduling, and ancillary services with more active engagement on the demand side. A radical transformation is important, in the way we supply, convert, transfer, and use energy, with more attention to handling dynamic balance-flexibility of energy systems.


严晋躍(Jerry YAN)教授简介:

 欧洲人文与科学院士、香港理工大学讲座教授。1991年瑞典皇家理工学院博士。2001年瑞典受聘为终身讲座教授。曾任瑞典Lulea University of Technology能源工程系主任(2005年),瑞典皇家理工学院和梅拉达伦大学教授、国际能源期刊Advance in Applied Energy 主编,<Applied Energy> (Elsevier)顾问主编(影响因子11.446);国际应用能源大会(International Conference on Applied Energy, ICAE, www.applied-energy.org)大会主席。大型权威参考工具书《Handbook of Clean Energy Systems(6) (Wiley)主编;同时担任数种国际期刊编委。担任联合国、欧盟、亚行等机构的顾问专家。从事可再生能源技术与低碳技术、能源系统集成与优化、碳捕集利用与封存和碳贸易、先进发电技术与储能,能源高效利用等领域方面研究。获得联合国环境发发展署支持的全球人居环境绿色技术奖等,全球SWFF奖最终获提名奖(Finalist)。欧盟. Energy Islands’ Award , 瑞典皇家工程科学院 (IVA)  Research2Business Top100 奖。在包括Science,Nature EnergyNature Climate Change等上发表论文400余篇,论著文集70余部,专利15项。H-index 72, i10-index 304. WoS高被引学者。ICAEAEiiUNiLABiCETEnergy ProceedingsEnerarXiv, Energy Visions, OCE等的创始人。