School of Marine Science and Engineering


       海洋科学与工程学院成立于2021年9月,位于华南理工大学广州国际校区,旨在为“建设海洋强国”培养引领型人才以及开展高水平科学研究。具体人才培养与科学研究领域包括:海洋物理环境、海洋资源与空间开发利用保障技术 (如基础设施设计、施工、智慧运维等)、智能海洋工程技术 (如无人深海平台、水面水下航行器系统、海洋工程装备智能制造等)与海岸带生态环境建设和沿岸防灾减灾等。


       学院紧随未来海洋科学及工程技术发展趋势和需求,加强可持续性发展理念和未来技术 (如物联网、人工智能、大数据等相关交叉学科)的教育,重点锻炼学生独立思考、分析和解决问题及写作沟通交流的能力,进而培养具有国际视野、可持续科学发展观、引领未来工程技术发展能力的综合性人才。拟于2022年开始招收研究生,于2023年开始招收本科生。







A Brief Introduction

School of Marine Science and Engineering, located at the Guangzhou International Campus, South China University of Technology, was established in September 2021 to meet the demands of high quality graduates and research innovations in marine science and engineering. The teaching and research areas of the School include, but not limited to, Offshore Infrastructure Engineering, Smart Marine System Engineering Technologies, Eco-coastal System Engineering and Coastal Disaster Prevention and Remedy Technologies. Our vision is to become a world-leading school in Marine Science and Engineering. The focus of our teaching programs is to educate engineering graduates with visions of sustainable developments and skills in modern marine technologies such as the internet of things, big data, artificial intelligence and smart marine systems. The School encourages fundamental, applied research and technology transfers, especially in multi-disciplinary areas. With the supports from Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, Ministry of Education and University, the School is endeavored to establish state of the art teaching and research facilities to support achieving our goals.

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