Dr. Sasitorn Chusi Visted Our School
time: 2018-03-02

On March 2nd ,Dr. Sasitorn Chusi of Prince of Songkla University was welcomed to the forum, hosted by School of Food Science and Engieering, with enormous enthusiasm this morning. Joined by dean Xin an Zeng, vice dean YonghuaWang, and professor Zebo Huang, professor Qiang Huang, the forum was presented by Xin an Zeng .

After welcoming Dr. Sasitorn Chusi on behalf of the college, Xin an Zeng gave a brief introduction on subjects of education, research, international cooperation of our college. During the forum, multiple topics, such as undergraduates and postgraduates education system, current situation of medical science, agriculture and food science in Thailand, future cooperation, were discussed in depths. After the forum, Dr. Sasitorn Chusi was given a tour of research platforms and laboratories of our college. Delightful expectations of dual communications of scholarship, education, and school-enterprise cooperation were shown by the party.

        For the record, SCUT was the first Chinese university to sign a memorandum with Prince of Songkla University. Both schools have maintained cooperative connections during the recent decade.(By JiaChenchen)