Li Hongjin

Posted by:黄小婷Release Date:2015-12-31Views:396


Name: Li Hongjin

Title:  Associate Professor

Office: Room 504, B10 South Building

Department: Economics Department



Research Fields: Regional Economic Development and Policy; Urban Economy Development and Policy


Courses Offered: Principles of economics; industrial economics; economics of public finance


Educational Background:

Ph.D. Jinan University

MA, South China Normal University

BA., Henan Normal University


Major Publications:


Hongjin Li, Shenghui Li. 2010. The Theoretical Background and the Enlightenment to Establish China Special Economic Zone. Journal of the Special Economic Zones


Hongjin Li, Shenghui Li. 2011. Research on the Economic Spatial Relationship of City Group Based on the Model of Extension Strength: An Empirical Study of the Pearl River Delta City Group. Journal of the Enterprise Economic, (11): 159-162