ZHONG Huiling

Posted by:黄小婷Release Date:2015-12-31Views:690


Name: Zhong Huiling

Title:  Professor

Office:  Room 512, B10 South Building

Department:  Logistics Engineering

Email:  hlzhong@scut.edu.cn


Research Fields: Modeling of Complex Logistics System, Logistics and Supply Chain Management 


Courses Offered:

Introduction to Logistics, Logistics System Modeling and Simulation, Supply Chain Management, Operations Research, Statistics, Optimization methods and applications, systems engineering


Educational Background:


Ph.D. South China University of Technology

MA, South China University of Technology

BA, South China University of Technology


Major Publications:

Zhong Huiling, Chen Jing, Guo Weixiang, Zhang Guanxiang, Cai Wenxue. Sovling Vehicle Scheduling Problem with Time Window for Truck and Trailer of Port. Proc. Int. Conf. on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM 2014), Jun. 25-27, 2014, Beijing, China.

Zhong Huiling, Yin Hui, Zhang Guanxiang, Cai Wenxue, Jing Nan. Study on multi-resource and multi-point emergency scheduling problem in transportation accidents for hazardous materials logistics. Advanced Materials Research, Material Research and Applications, 2014, Vol.875, pp. 1111-1115.