Computer Science and Technology Innovative Program (English) (Bachelor-Master, Bachelor-Doctor Successive Program)
time: 2017-06-28

Program in Computer Science and Technology of South China University of Technology is the national special program and the first batch of excellent program and first-degree priority discipline of Guangdong province (国家特色专业、广东省首批名牌专业和广东省一级重点学科). School of Computer Science and Engineering offered the course in English for the very first time in 2008. Bilingual Union program was established in 2009. Innovative program was established 2010 and employed(enroll?) the students officially from the national college entrance examination. In 2011, the program in Computer Science and Technology then became the first batch of the English program of South China University of Technology. Overseas textbooks are used in all major courses, and the teaching materials of all compulsory courses are in English. There are 28 English courses with more than 20 lecturers in this program. Overseas professors are invited to teach courses every year. Bachelor-Master, and Bachelor-Doctor Successive Programs are provided. The program aims to train research experts with strong fundamental and broad knowledge, all-round development and international vision. The first batch of graduates have enrolled in by the University of Carnegie Mellon University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the National University of Singapore and other international elite universities for doctoral degrees. 

The major courses of this program include Discrete Mathematics, Data Structure, Computer Organization and Architecture, Operating Systems, Database, Software Engineering, the Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms, Computer Networks, and Artificial Intelligence.

Senior students of this program can choose any direction of Multimedia Technology, Intelligent Computation or High Performance Computation:

Multimedia Technology: Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality, Multimedia Technology, Digital Image Processing, Visual Computing(MOOC)

Intelligent Computation: Intelligent Robot Technology, Introduction to pattern Recognition, Data Warehouse and Data Mining, Machine Learning, Neural Networks and Deep Learning

High Performance Computation: Distributed Computing Technology, Computation Methods, High Performance Computation and Cloud Computation (Google, IBM), Mobile Application Development (Android) (Google)