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胡捷,男,19807月出生,博士,教授,博士生导师, 无机非金属系副系主任,目前担任广东省材料研究学会青年工作委员会副秘书长、广东省硅酸盐学会理事、中国腐蚀与防护学会青年工作委员会和铁道设施专业委员会委员、广东省土木建筑学会混凝土与预应力专业委员会和土木工程材料专业委员会委员,SCI期刊《Frontiers in Materials》(IF=3.515)编委,《中国腐蚀与防护学报》和《Corrosion Communication》青年编委。








2012.32016.8: 华南理工大学材料科学与工程学院,副研究员;




1. 2021年7月  《环保功能性阻锈剂研究与应用》获2021年度中国航海学会科学技术三等奖(排名第3)

2. 2015年2月    入选广州市珠江科技新星;

3. 2012年9月    获第十三届全国青年腐蚀与防护科技论文讲评会特等奖;

4. 2013年7月    获第七届中国腐蚀与防护学会优秀论文奖;

5. 2010年10月  获武汉市自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖;

6. 2018年7月    获“华南理工大学优秀共产党员”称号;

7. 2016年6月    获“华南理工大学优秀共产党员”称号;

8. 2019年1月    获华南理工大学“普本纳米”奖教金;

9. 2014年10月  获华南理工大学“兴业”奖教金。


一直从事腐蚀电化学、钢筋混凝土腐蚀与防护和混凝土耐久性方面的研究工作。主要研究方向包括:(1)海工钢筋混凝土腐蚀防护先进材料;(2)钢筋混凝土电化学修复技术;(3)钢筋混凝土耐久性无损检测新技术;(4)碱激发钢筋混凝土的耐久性及提升技术。近几年来,主持了十三五国家重点研发计划科技型中小企业项目、“863”计划项目子课题、国家自然科学基金联合基金/面上项目/青年基金、广东省国际合作重点项目、广州市珠江科技新星等国家级和省部级项目。曾获中国航海学会科学技术三等奖、广东省土木建筑学会科学技术二等奖、第十三届全国青年腐蚀与防护科技论文讲评会特等奖和第七届中国腐蚀与防护协会优秀论文奖,在Cement and Concrete Research、Corrosion Science、Cement and Concrete Composites、Composites Part B等期刊上发表论文100余篇,其中SCI收录论文80余篇,EI收录论文3,申请专利20余项,授权PCT专利2项,国家专利10余项。


学术博士:材料学       工程博士:材料与化工

学术硕士:材料科学与工程        工程硕士:材料工程


Office: 14号楼212;Tel:13802536111;

Email: msjiehu@scut.edu.cn


1. 废玻璃活化再生高阻隔防腐涂层制备关键技术与装备,国家重点研发计划科技型中小企业项目(2023-2026)

2. 高性能海工地质聚合物混凝土材料和结构设计基础理论研究,国家自然科学基金NSFC-广东联合基金(2021-2024)

3. 强吸附MOFs靶向型阻锈剂的设计制备与作用机理,国家自然科学基金面上项目(2023-2026)

4. 长期阴极保护系统中高稳定性外部阳极砂浆的基础研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(2015-2018

5. 水泥基材料核壳型纳米阻锈剂研究,国家“863”计划项目子课题(2015-2018

6. 极端环境下钢筋混凝土多重防护关键技术及示范应用,国家十三五重点研发计划子课题(2017-2021

7. 新型核壳型纳米缓蚀剂的制备与优化及其对钢筋混凝土腐蚀的自修复作用与机理,国家自然科学基金青年基金(2013-2015

8. 碱激发海工混凝土中钢筋的钝化与腐蚀行为及其机理,广东省科技计划国际科技合作项目(2020-2022)

9. 高性能LDHs钢筋阻锈剂的设计制备及其在碱激发混凝土中的阻锈机理研究,广东省自然科学基金面上项目(2024-2026)

10. 基于Ag/AgCl电极的氯离子传感器和劣化机理及性能提升研究,广东省自然科学基金面上项目(2022-2024)

11. 微胶囊材料对钢筋混凝土电化学阴极保护技术的自修复作用与机理研究,广州市珠江科技新星项目(2015-2018


1. Z.P. Xu, Y.C. Wu, Z.M. Zhang, Y.Y. Wang, J. Hu*, Y.W. Ma, Z.H. Zhang, H.L. Huang, J.X. Wei, C.J. Shi, Q.J. Yu. Insight into ion exchange behavior of LDHs: Asynchronous chloride adsorption and intercalated ions release processes. Cement and Concrete Composites 147 (2024) 105433. (JCR1区,IF=10.5)

2. H.L. Huang*, X.F. Song, X.M. Song, J. Wu, H. Liu, S.L. Chen, J. Hu*, J.X. Wei*, Q.J. Yu. A migrating and reactive polycarboxylate superplasticizer with coupled functions of new/old concrete interfacial agent and water reducer. Cement and Concrete Research 172 (2023) 107218. (水泥混凝土领域Top1期刊,IF=11.4)

3. Y.C. Wu, W.X. Cai, Z.P. Xu, J. Hu*, Y.W. Ma, Z.H. Zhang, H.L. Huang, J.X. Wei, Q.J. Yu. Chloride adsorption of synthetic individual reaction products in alkali-activated fly ash. Construction and Building Materials 398 (2023) 132483 (JCR1区,IF=7.4)

4. Z.P Xu, Y.C. Wu, Z.M. Zhang, Y.Y. Wang, J. Hu*, Y.W. Ma, Z.H. Zhang, H.L. Huang, J.X. Wei, Q.J. Yu, C.J. Shi. A review on the research progress of LDHs as corrosion inhibitors for reinforced concrete. Journal of Building Engineering 70 (2023) 106303 (JCR1区,IF=6.4)

5. H.L. Huang, C.H. Peng, J. Luo, T.Q. Sun, T.S. Deng, J. Hu**, Z.H. He***, J.X. Wei*, Q.J. Yu, K.G. Anvarovna, N.A.D. Ugli. Micromechanical properties of interfacial transition zone between carbon fibers and UHPC matrix based on nano-scratching tests. Cement and Concrete Composites 139 (2023) 105014 (JCR1区,IF=10.5)

6. Y.Y Wang, T. Chen, H. Wang, J. Hu*, Y.W. Ma*, J.X. Wei, S.H. Yin, Q.J. Yu. Corrosion inhibition effect of zeolitic imidazolate framework in chloride-contaminated cement pore solution under elevated temperatures. Construction and Building Materials 342 (2022) 128024. (JCR1区,IF=7.4)

7. W.X. Cai, Z.P. Xu a, Z.M. Zhang, J. Hu*, H.L. Huang, Y.W. Ma**, Z.H. Zhang***, H. Wang, S.H. Yin, J.X. Wei, C.J. Shi, Q.J. Yu. Chloride binding behavior of synthesized reaction products in alkali-activated slag. Composites Part B 238 (2022) 109919. (复合材料领域Top1期刊,IF=13.1)

8. Z.M. Zhang, J. Hu*, Z.P. Xu, H.L. Huang, S.H. Yin, Y.W. Ma, J.X. Wei, Q.J. Yu. Degradation process of Ag/AgCl chloride-sensing electrode in cement extract with low chloride concentration. Corrosion Science 198 (2022) 110107. (材料腐蚀领域Top1期刊,IF=8.3)

9. Y.Y. Wang, J. Hu*, Y.W. Ma*, Z.M. Zhang, H.L. Huang, J.X. Wei, S.H. Yin, Q.J. Yu. A novel high-efficient MOFs-based corrosion inhibitor for the reinforcing steel in cement extract. Construction and Building Materials 317 (2022) 125946. (JCR1区,IF=7.41) 

10. H.L. Huang, S.Y. Fang, S.J. Luo, J. Hu*, S.H. Yin, J.X. Wei, Q.J. Yu*. Multiscale modification on acrylic resin coating for concrete with silicon/fluorine and graphene oxide (GO) nanosheets. Construction and Building Materials 305 (2021) 124297. (JCR1区,IF=7.4) 

11. Z.M. Zhang, R. Chen, J. Hu*, Y.Y. Wang, H.L. Huang*, Y.W. Ma*, Z.H. Zhang, H. Wang, S.H. Yin, J.X. Wei, Q.J. Yu. Corrosion behavior of the reinforcement in chloride-contaminated alkali-activated fly ash pore solution. Composites Part B 224 (2021) 109215. (复合材料领域Top1期刊,IF=13.1)

12. Y.Y. Wang, R. Chen, J. Hu*, Z.M. Zhang, H.L. Huang*, Y.W. Ma*, J.X. Wei, Z.H. Zhang, S.H. Yin, H. Wang, Q.J. Yu. Surface characteristics and electrochemical behaviors of passive reinforcing steel in alkali-activated slag. Corrosion Science 190 (2021) 109657. (材料腐蚀领域Top1期刊,IF=8.3)

13. Z.M. Zhang, J. Hu*, Y.Y. Wang, R.C. Shi, Y.W. Ma*, H.L. Huang, H. Wang, J.X. Wei, Q.J. Yu. Relationship between Microstructure of AgCl Film and Electrochemical Behavior of Ag|AgCl Electrode for Chloride Detection. Corrosion Science 184 (2021) 109393. (材料腐蚀领域Top1期刊,IF=8.3

14. J. Hu*, Y.Y. Zhu, J.Z. Huang, Zhangmin, Zhang, Y.W. Ma, H.L. Huang, Q.J. Yu, J.X. Wei*. The effect of organic core–shell corrosion inhibitors on corrosion performance of the reinforcement in simulated concrete pore solution. Construction and Building Materials 267 (2021) 121011. (JCR1区,IF=7.4) 

15. H.L. Huang, S.Y. Fang, S.J. Luo, J. Hu*, S.H. Yin, J.X. Wei, Q.J. Yu*. Multiscale modification on acrylic resin coating for concrete with silicon/fluorine and graphene oxide (GO) nanosheets. Construction and Building Materials 305 (2021) 124297. (JCR1区,IF=7.4)

16. Z.M. Zhang, J. Hu*, Y.W. Ma*, Y.Y. Wang, H.L. Huang, Z.H. Zhang, J.X. Wei, S.H. Yin, Q.J. Yu. A state-of-the-art review on Ag/AgCl ion-selective electrode used for non-destructive chloride detection in concrete. Composites Part B 200 (2020) 108289. (复合材料领域Top1期刊,IF=13.1

17. Y.Y. Zhu, Y.W. Ma, J. Hu*, Z.M. Zhang, J.Z. Huang, Y.Y. Wang, H. Wang, W.X. Cai, H.L. Huang, Q.J. Yu, J.X. Wei*. Adsorption of organic core-shell corrosion inhibitors on cement particles and their influence on early age properties of fresh cement paste. Cement and Concrete Research 130 (2020) 106000. (水泥混凝土领域Top1期刊,IF=11.4) 

18. R. Chen, J. Hu*, Y.W. Ma*, W.H. Guo, H.L. Huang, J.X. Wei, S.H. Yin, Q.J. Yu. Characterization of the passive film formed on the reinforcement surface in alkali activated fly ash: Surface analysis and electrochemical evaluation. Corrosion Science 165 (2020) 108393. (材料腐蚀领域Top1期刊,IF=8.3)  

19. Y.W. Ma*, W.S Liu, J. Hu*, J.Y. Fu*, Z.H. Zhang, H. Wang. Optimization on the piezoresistivity of alkali-activated fly ash/slag mortar by using conductive aggregates and carbon fibers. Cement and Concrete Composites 114 (2020) 103735. (JCR1区,IF=10.5) 

20. W.H. Guo, J. Hu*, Y.W. Ma, H.L. Huang, S.H. Yin, J.X. Wei, Q.J. Yu*. The application of novel lightweight functional aggregates on the mitigation of acidification damage in the external anode mortar during cathodic protection for reinforced concrete. Corrosion Science 165 (2020) 108366. (材料腐蚀领域Top1期刊,IF=8.3

21. Y. Ma*, X. Yang, J. Hu*, Z. Zhang, H. Wang. Accurate determination of the “time-zero” of autogenous shrinkage in alkali-activated fly ash/slag system. Composites Part: B 177(2019)107367. (复合材料领域Top1期刊,IF=13.1

22. J. Hu*, Y.Y. Wang, Z.M. Zhang, W.H. Guo, Y.W. Ma*, W. Zhu, J.X. Wei, Q.J. Yu. Evaluation on the acidification damage of the external anode mortar induced by impressed current cathodic protection. Construction and Building Materials 229 (2019) 116869. (JCR1区,IF=7.4)

23. L. Deng, Y. Ma*, J. Hu*, S. Yin, X. Ouyang, J. Fu, A. Liu, Z. Zhang. Preparation and piezoresistive properties of carbon fiber-reinforced alkali-activated fly ash/slag mortar. Construction and Building Materials 222 (2019) 738–749. (JCR1区,IF=7.4

24. J. Hu, Y.Y. Wang, Y.W. Ma*, J.X. Wei, Q.J. Yu. Identification on acidification damage of external anode system induced by impressed current cathodic protection for reinforced concrete. Mathematical Bioscience and Engineering. 16 (6) (2019) 7510-7525. (IF=2.6) 

25. Y. Ma*, G. Wang, G. Ye, and J. Hu*. A comparative study on the pore structure of alkali-activated fly ash evaluated by mercury intrusion porosimetry, N2 adsorption and image analysis. Journal of Materials Science (2018) 53:5958–5972. (IF=4.5) 

26. Y.Y. Zhu, Y.W. Ma, Q.J. Yu, J.X. Wei, J. Hu*. Preparation of pH-sensitive core-shell organic corrosion inhibitor and its release behavior in simulated concrete pore solutions. Materials and Design 119 (2017) 254–262. (JCR1区,IF=7.991) 

27. W.H. Guo, J. Hu*, Y.Y. Wang, Z.M. Zhang, S.H. Yin, J.X. Wei, Q.J. Yu*. Preparation and performance of conductive mortar based on lightweight conductive aggregates. Construction and Building Materials 156 (2017) 340–350. (JCR1区,IF=8.4

28. Y. Ma*, G. Ye, J. Hu*. Micro-mechanical properties of alkali-activated fly ash evaluated by nanoindentation. Construction and Building Materials 147 (2017) 407–416. (JCR1区,IF=7.4

29. Y. Y. Zhu, J. Hu*, Y. W. Ma, H. B. Xie, W. H. Guo, J. X. Wei and Q. J. Yu. The effect of micelles with random pH-sensitive/hydrophobic structure on the workability, hydration process and microstructure of cement paste. RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 17085. (IF=3.9) 

30. J. Hu, D.A. Koleva, Y. Ma, E. Schlangen, K. van Breugel. Early Age Hydration, Microstructure and Micromechanical Properties of Cement Paste Modified with Polymeric Vesicles. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, 2013 11 291-300 (IF=2.0). 

31. J. Hu*, D.A. Koleva, P. Petrov, K.van Breugel. Polymeric vesicles for corrosion control in reinforced mortar: Electrochemical behavior, steel surface analysis and bulk matrix properties. Corrosion Science, 2012 65 414–430. (材料腐蚀领域Top1期刊,IF=8.3

32. J. Hu, D.A. Koleva, Y. Ma, E. Schlangen, K. van Breugel, P. Petrov. The influence of admixed polymeric micelles on the microstructural properties and global performance of cement-based materials. Cement and Concrete Research, 2012 42 1122-1133. (水泥混凝土领域Top1期刊,IF=11.4

33. J. Hu*, D.A. Koleva, K. van Breugel. Corrosion performance of reinforced mortar in the presence of polymeric nano-aggregates: Electrochemical behavior, surface analysis and properties of the steel/cement paste interface. Journal of Materials Science, 2012 47 4981–4995. (IF=4.5

34. J. Hu, F. Gan, S. Triantafyllidou, C.K. Nguyen, M.A. Edwards. Copper-Induced Metal Release from Lead Pipe into Drinking Water. Corrosion, 2012 68 (11) 1037-1048. (IF=1.6) 

35. J. Hu*, D.A. Koleva, J.H.W. de Wit, H. Kolev, K. van Breugel.Corrosion Performance of Carbon Steel in Simulated Pore Solution in the Presence of Micelles. Journal of Electrochemical Society, 2011 158 (3) C76-C87 (IF=3.9). 


1. Jie Hu, Wenhao Guo, Qijun Yu, Yangyang Zhu, Jiyao Zhang, Zhangmin Zhang, Jiangxiong Wei, Fangxian Li, Yuwei Ma. Lightweight Conductive Mortar Material, preparation method therefore and method of using thereof. US 11,254,614 B2.

2. 胡捷,郭文昊,余其俊,朱洋洋,章稷尧,张漳敏,韦江雄,李方贤,马玉玮.一种轻质导电砂浆材料及其制备方法与应用. 国际PCT专利(日本),授权号:6968466.

3. 胡捷、王羊洋、黄锦圳、张漳敏、马玉玮、黄浩良、韦江雄、余其俊.一种类沸石锌基咪唑酯金属有机框架钢筋阻锈剂及制备方法与应用. 发明专利,授权号:ZL202011572950.3.

5. 胡捷,张漳敏,石瑞超,黄浩良,殷素红,韦江雄,余其俊. 快速检测水泥基材料孔隙溶液氯离子的离子选择性电极及制备. 发明专利,授权号:ZL201910598838.8.

6. 胡捷,朱洋洋,郭文昊,王羊洋,章稷尧,余其俊,韦江雄,李方贤,范庆新. 一种核壳型钢筋混凝土有机阻锈剂及其制备方法. 发明专利,授权号:ZL201510867986.9.

7. 胡捷,郭文昊,余其俊,朱洋洋,章稷尧,张漳敏,韦江雄,李方贤,马玉玮. 一种轻质导电砂浆材料及其制备方法与应用. 发明专利,授权号:ZL201710812074.9.

8. 胡捷,李兆恒,王豪. 一种模拟管道弯头冲刷腐蚀的管流式实验装置. 实用新型专利,授权号:ZL20220768500.X.

9. 余其俊,郭文昊,胡捷,张漳敏,朱洋洋,王羊洋,韦江雄,李方贤,范庆新,马玉玮. 一种负载琼脂凝胶的导电多孔轻骨料及制备方法和应用. 发明专利,授权号:ZL201510527591.2.

10. 余其俊,龙庆,胡捷,韦江雄,黄锦圳,余生荣. 一种纳米二氧化硅改性水性聚氨酯防水涂层及其制备方法. 发明专利,授权号:ZL201510944523.6.

11. 马玉玮,王桂生,胡捷,傅继阳,刘爱荣,吴玖荣. 一种测量水泥基材料自收缩的装置. 实用新型专利专利,授权号:CN 207198157 U.

12. 黄浩良,吴欣桐,刘昊,胡捷,韦江雄. 一种可固化海水侵蚀性离子的水泥基材料裂缝自修复剂及其制备方法与应用. 发明专利,授权号:ZL201910652139.7.

13. 韦江雄,费飞龙,余其俊,艾志勇,胡捷. 阳离子型电迁移性咪唑啉系混凝土钢筋阻锈剂的制备方法及制备装置. 发明专利,授权号:ZL2011210424795.X.

14. 李方贤,韦江雄,余其俊,胡捷,徐善辉,陈阳,高品海. 一种稻草纤维增强加气混凝土及其制备方法. 发明专利,授权号:ZL201310088714.8.

15. 韦江雄,余其俊,罗锐锋,李方贤,胡捷,张同生. 一种减缩型聚羧酸减水剂及其制备方法. 发明专利,授权号:ZL201310103726.3.